Doing Million Dollar Deals

Doing Million Dollar Deals

Got a request from a buyer proofed up with 3 Million and now my partner and I are on it like white on rice. In a week ive already found 3 apartments in the million dollar range...We'll let the buyers do their due dilligence and decide if they want it and if they do ca ching ca ching...Not only that I am also working on a deal that can bring in 50k to me as it is priced 100k below appraisal, the buyer will get 50k instant equity and I will get a 50k assignment fee if all goes well...not to mention a 3% split if they buy those apartments...Keeping my fingers crossed for all deals...Send your positive energy towards me this way...thanks...


Sending Positive Energy

Sure hope you get the deals because it's always wonderful to see someone doing well moving forward.

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