Work, It Pays

Work, It Pays

I have always been impressed by people that work hard. No matter their field of labor, those that work hard seem to get ahead in a way that others do not.

I believe that the field of real estate is no different. It seems to me that those who put forth effort usually get blessed with deals. Even those that struggle, usually because they are learning, get it and start making money. When a person gives up they seem to fail.

Never give up. When the chips are down, never give up. When a deal seems to be out of reach, never give up. When you back is against the wall, never give up.

You can do it.


Roy Voeks
Official RE Coach

Good insight

Roy, that is so right I was just saying this very thing to my daughter in-law this weekend. She is trying to be a real estate agent and she said it was so hard she didn't think she could go thru with it. I told it it may take hard work but to keep moving forward and don't give up. Have lived my life by this and continue too, on my way to number 2 taking a little long but I will get it.

Hard Work Has It's Rewards

Hi Roy........So True.........Thank You for the post....Smiling..........Those of us who are in Real Estate.........Love It.....Smiling

" Love What You Do, and You Will Never Work a Day in Your Life " - Confucius



Life Hands You Lemons.......Make Lemonade......

It was once said, “religion is designed to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable.”

Hear Hear!

Such true words!

These words "never give up" have always been a part of my mantra.

Thank you for the encouraging post. I LOVE positive vibrations. Keep doing what you do!


The sky is not the limit; there are no limits. There is no box.