One Day at a Time

One Day at a Time

All of us need to understand that we are in the business of real estate for the rest of our lives or until we retire. As we get that around our minds we will beginn to approach things in a manner taht may help us find more success.

Often times we will become overwhelmed if we have a job and get wrapped up in life and try to do our business.

If this sounds familiar step back and take one step at a time. Find 2 hours a day and do what you can in your business. Find that two hours EACH day. Do not leave your business for weeks and months at a time. A little time each day will pay off. JUST DO IT!


Roy Voeks
Official RE Coach

Plan In Advance

Great information from Roy. I've also found that if you will sit down with your calendar and plan your real estate time 1 to 2 weeks in advance, block those times on your calendar, and then treat them as important commitments that cannot be changed, you will have the time necessary to be successful. It cannot be haphazard, the time has to be budgeted, and used.


Dallin Wall
Real Estate Training Team
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