Let's face it. We're REAL ESTATE investors! We want to get PROPERTY. Its what we do! It's what we LOVE! Get PROPERTIES under contract... Its what we're here for. But is it really? Think about it.
You are actually in the PEOPLE business here. Whether you like it or not, this is about marketing and connecting with people, finding out their needs and then providing them what they're looking for, a service tailored around what THEY want.
This is the mistake: Going after the properties first. What's going to happen when you land a contract? Excitement! Joy! You're ECSTATIC! This is so exciting? Now what? Well, lets see, I contacted 2 buyers and had a short conversation with them. The house I got under contract doesn't really meet their needs; but hey, I have a house under contract! So you start posting ads on CL and put out some bandit, get a lot of response. But too often, none of these calls ends up in a buyer willing to close the deal.
This is what you need to do instead. Find buyers. Talk to buyers. Build a relationship with buyers. Find out what they are really interested in. Ask about the deals they've done in the past and recently completed. Be interested in them! If you're in their area, MEET them if they have time! Most important. LISTEN to them. Ask questions. THEN SHUT UP!!!! Show them eagerness, determination and passion for what you do, and let them know how impressed you are with their work. Ask if they'll show you some of their current or finished projects. Show them you CARE. People don't care what you know, until they know how much you care!
Do you guys know some guy named MATT LARSON? Well his philosophy is 'A good wholesaler focuses on the buyers, NOT the properties, a bad wholesaler focuses on properties'. So, if you don't have a SOLID buyer's list and haven't started building those relationships (or have not spoken to them in a while), stop making offers very temporarily, and take a week to just build a list of 10 REAL buyers (real buyers will easily talk about their prior deals). There are many tire kickers out there. When you DO get that deal under contract, you sure do want to know you've got some real buyer's you're dealing with. THEN, get a house under contract that meets THEIR criteria and get excited and let them know that you got a property that your incredible marketing techniques landed you a sweet property, but the only thing is... that you have to close by next TH (Ali (a week away)) and you don't want him to miss out on this amazing opportunity.
high on life!
love it Tammy and for those still unsure the buyer will help you along your process in real estate investing , if you know your buyers are interested in 3/2's (3 bedrooms/2baths) in an area,or they really love a hot area well you just increased your likelyhood of closing your first deal.....
Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
Our Heart's Desire must be nurtured by our mind,to give birth to common sense, that will enable us to seek out the path less traveled, with the greatest Personal Growth. -J.R.-
Nice post. This is where I am now. Got my first property under contract. Want to buy, fix and flip but I think the repairs may be too much out of our budget. Need to try to wholesale.
I had responsibilities that have taken a lot of my time, I am jumping in now, very an anxious to be a success. I am so tired of working for other people, I have already started researching properties in my area, just to get the idea on what is going on in the area, going to start the buyers list, printed all form today to do the interviews, I have two realtors I have been conferencing with.
I hope to have news of progress soon.
Valley of the Sun Venture Properties LLC
Janet Jansen
Just remember, don't get discouraged! In the beginning I was a hot mess! The phone would ring and I'd just LOOK at the stupid thing and ask my self in horror 'OMG! What do I do?' panicked at the thought of this stuff actually working. In reality, I knew what I was supposed to do, but the thought of sounding stupid scared me. I think it was 3 months of phone paralysis for me; I somehow forgot what the purpose of a phone was exactly. I sometimes wondered what my attraction was to the telephone as a teenager and how I survived 10 years in customer service.
You need to learn to conquer your fears, whatever they may be and just do it no matter how frightening the thought of doing something is.
Keeping it real,
It is certain I will double my income this coming year and achieve my new goals despite circumstances in my life!
Great post! This is where I'm at with wholesaling. I have had a few props under contract and then tried to wholesale them WITHOUT having the buyers FIRST! This has not work out very well for me and caused stress and frustration. This became clear at the EDGE that we were going about it the wrong way so the last week we have been focusing on the buyers list and really trying to get to know them and understand them. Thank you for affirming what so many of us know but forget or get off track because without a buyer wholesaling is impossible.
Best to you and your investing. Lets stay on fire and carry the EDGE momentum all the way until EDGE 2015!
I am a Professional Real Estate Investor! And I see a whole army of my countrymen, here in defiance of the J.O.B. You've come to fight as free men/women... and free men/women you are! What will you do for that freedom?? Will you fight?!! Lets fight for it together!!!!
The conversation with Jeff on a buyers list is a great audio to listen to.....
Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
Our Heart's Desire must be nurtured by our mind,to give birth to common sense, that will enable us to seek out the path less traveled, with the greatest Personal Growth. -J.R.-
This is a good reminder Tammy. I just met a few real potential buyers and I'm asking all of them what it is they're looking for.
Nice Post Tammy,
just like shopping for groceries when you're buying for someone else... you get exactly what's on their shopping list that they gave you
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...
I am seeing everything you are talking about. I was calling ads and asking questions I found alot of wholesalers no buyers though they said they were buyers. live and learn I have found new questions to ask to guarentee I'm speaking to a buyer and I now have a small buyers list. Thank you for the post it gives me confidence
Fantastic post Tammy. This is another great take away from the Edge 2014 event. Get your buyers first, get your buyers first, get your buyers first. Won't be making the mistake of getting a property first.
To our successes!
Hello Tammy I'm glad I stumbled upon your post. You Couldn't have said it any much better. I always find myself wasting my time and energy looking for properties which doesn't fit my buyer's criteria.
Goodluck in your investing!
Miami Florida
"If you are not doing something that help the universe or God or your family, or YOU, is that something you should still be doing?"-Dean Graziosi
"Each day do one thing to get you closer to your dreams because if you do today what others are not willing to do, then tomorrow you can do those things that others are only dreaming about doing!"- Joe Jurek
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It's no wonder my short cuts have not gotten me too far. I have already had the experience of having the property under contract, feeling the excitement, then the panic of not finding the buyer before the contract expires, thus loosing the property and especially the profit! From the two properties, one being out of state, when I was finally able to find the buyer, he and the seller turned out to be former partners in investing, so they both waited for the contract to expire to push me out and do the deal amongst them; Lesson learned. Now, I am still interested in wholesaling out of state, but have these questions that keep me stuck: is it best to create posts in metropolitan areas to find buyers? Do I focus on a couple areas only? What steps can I take once I find the property my buyers are looking for, to ensure I don't get bumped out of the contract, since I'd be dealing from out of state? What's the best way to find buyers for properties in rural areas? I know I'm asking so many questions, but these are the ones that still keep me in fear. I will appreciate any and all responses.
I see this mistake all the time from wholesalers who have properties under contract and can't wholesale the deal so they offer me half to bring a buyer to the deal. I'm working on 2 deals right now where these 2 wholesalers have a property that they don't have buyers to present the deal to. Luckily I have a nice buyers list.
Reynold Orozco
I saw what you said about properties out of state. When you look at properties be sure you look on craigslist for buyers in that state and city. I put ghost ads on craigslist for whatever cities and states Im looking at. Then when you are contacted by the buyer email them and ask for their contact info. If its a real buyer he will answer your questions and tell you what he is looking for. Its best to focus on metropolitain cities in whatever state your looking at. Yes focus on a couple areas but do it in one state then look in another state. focus on those areas to find your buyers. Once you find the buyer then focus on what they are looking for ask for a list of the kind of properties they want. Another thing with out of state is learn about the city in the state you choose. The more info you can give the buyer the better chance he will work with you.