Time Sensitive Deals, my loss is your gain

Time Sensitive Deals, my loss is your gain

Hello everybody!

I've got two projects I'm working on that I can't complete. All of my funds are tied up in another (larger) deal, so I need to find partners or someone who just wants to take them over. Here are the specifics of project #1:

Purchase: $115k
Repairs: $8k
ARV: $165k

I have the inspection, title work is complete, closing is scheduled for next week. Just need a cash buyer to take over the project. I can provide all necessary details, and stay on as a partner if you aren't local and need boots on the ground. I have a great rehab team that can get this project knocked out quickly and correctly. Or, I can assign it to you and walk away. Either way is fine with me.

Project #2:

I purchased and renovated a beautiful home in the historic district of East Dallas. The project is complete and the home is on the market. I've had a lot of interest, but no solid offers yet. The home is listed at $550k. I had a partner provide funding in December for some of the repairs, and his note has become due. Normally, we would roll it over and increase his interest and he'd be fine with waiting another couple months, but in this case, he wants to buy a nightclub! So he wants to pull his funds. I thought, instead of dealing with banks or other lenders, I'd see if I could find someone who would like to make some easy cash being a bridge as a sort of "home equity" lender while we wait for the home to sell. I'm offering a flat 20% return for a six month investment of $40k. Which means a total of $50k is to be repaid in December. We are prepared to make this investor a lien holder, so that when the property does sell, we won't be able to close without the investor being repaid just like a typical mortgage. It is very likely that we will sell in the next 1-3 months, and will not need the full 6 months to repay (average DOM in the area is 3-6 months, we've already been listed for 3, so it won't be much longer). But the 20% return will be fixed no matter if it takes a month or the full six to repay.

Please contact me if you are interested in either or both of these deals! Or if you know of any sort of creative financing besides a HML or HELOC (we wont qualify until we've owned the home a year), I welcome any suggestions. I am very motivated and everything is negotiable as long as you are legit and serious. Thanks!



Skeptic, turned hopeful, turned determined!
You will NEVER succeed if you don't try.


nice to hear from you congrats on the projects way to go! glad to hear you are rocking it out in TX, love it. I can't do that project but sure you will find someone to take them and when are you coming to the edge? love to see you there.



Go faster do more! GFDM!

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