Going CRAZY! Advice Welcome :)

Going CRAZY! Advice Welcome :)

Hello fellow DG students.

This will be my 1st post since joining. I purchased Dean's 'Profit From Real Estate Right Now' last week and am currently waiting for delivery. Impatiently, I might add.

In the last few days I have exhausted my mind and eyes, reading/studying any bit of information I can get. I am obsessed, to say the least.

I literally cannot even fall asleep at night because my mind is running 100mph!

I'm young and motivated, with a small amount of REI knowledge and experience. Quite minimal tho. And, not under current market conditions.

I dabbled in REI for a short period, about 4 years ago. At the time I was working 3rd shift, 60hrs/wk. I was a little stressed but, things where looking positive.

I had joined a program not unlike this website. I was however, paying a considerable monthly fee, for resources which are given here FREE. There was also a blatant lack of detail. There was useful information, just not enough of it.

Never the less, I began my pursuit of a career in REI. I had a purchase agreement w/ the seller which required 1 more signature, no buyers lined-up. But, at about %65 FMV in a great neighborhood, I could easily sell quickly.

Then, the negativity. Everyone around me said it couldn't and WOULDN'T happen. That, I was 18 and had a good job, and to focus on that. It was also Christmas season and my hours picked way up, because I was working for the US Postal Service.

I grew discouraged and overwhelmed, and despite being so close, I just gave up. I still to this day, have never seen that property empty. Every time I drive by it reminds me of what could have been.

Until I woke up from a dead sleep 1 morning about a week ago. There was Dean's infomercial. I was immediately and intently drawn in. There was no way I was going back to sleep.

I thought, "Wow, this guy cant be as honest as he appears. Can he..?" So, since now I wasn't going back to sleep, I decided to do some research. I had to know if Dean was the 'real deal.'

After spending 2 days researching and deliberating. Also, after finding NOTHING but positive words about Dean and his company. I decided to take the 1st step and order 'Profit From Real Estate Right Now.'

Now, here I am.. Dead broke, bad credit, but driven. I'm confident that I've finally found the tools I need to succeed.

This time I understand that you cant let nay-sayers break you or pull you down. I'm ready to do this, whole-heartedly, despite what others think.

Its been a few years, I'm now almost 23 and expecting a baby. Smiling I have a lot more riding on my succeeding now then ever before.

I have also since joined the military, and serve proudly w/ the New Hampshire Army National Guard. Which has instilled in me a motivation which was never there before.

But even being military doesn't mean job security in this economy. I'm a communications guy and can't get a tech job anywhere. I'm still breaking my back doing landscaping, hardscaping, and construction.

In a job market where even trade industries are slow. Work is day-by-day or week-by-week. Soon I hope to be glad to have the free time, which I can devote to making my dreams a reality.

I'm not passionate about sitting in a cubicle all day, or breaking my back. REI, now thats something I would LOVE to do.

I want to wake up every day fulfilled and eager to work. And, I believe that equipped w/ these new tools, success is just around the corner!

I apologize for writing a book, a biography was not my intention. LOL. But, I know this is a place full of support and its nice to kind-of vent. Its great to see the constructive criticism given on this site, and just to have other like-minded people to speak w/.

In wrapping this up, I wont ask 1000 questions, seeing how I obviously have not yet read Deans book. (Hopefully tomorrow!!) However, any advice is greatly appreciated!

I know success stories are everywhere you look here, but advice from anyone who started in a similar situation to my own. (Which again is; broke w/ bad credit. LOL sadly, not that funny) Or any advice, period, is gladly welcomed.

Thanks in advance to anyone who reads and/or comments. And, again sorry for the long post.




Congratualtions on buying Dean's book and being a part of the DG website. Dean's principles and techniques can change your life! We had the pleasure of meeting Dean at his live Gain the EDGE event in Arizona in April. He exceeded all our expectations.

There is no better time to start then right now! Do not worry about the deal you missed, because you do not want to be looking back and miss the deal that is now in front of you. Think of the wide-open wide receiver that sees an empty end zone, but he didn't catch the ball first, before he started to run.

I am confident you will find Dean's book everything you expected and more. Be sure to read it several times because you get more knowledge every time you read it. Good luck on your real estate investing career. Believe and Achieve! Smiling Indiana-Joe


YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures

TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA


Thanks for your response. I would of loved to have been there, I'm sure it was life changing. I'm so excited to begin my path to success.

Good analogy! I do try to always look forward. I try to use that property as motivation, to not give up AGAIN! I certainly don't regret it, if nothing else it was a positive learning experience. I also have my 1st "cold call" out of the way, so I kind of know what to expect.

I'm sure I'll be reading Dean's book over and over for the next few weeks haha. Thanks again for words of encouragement!



Hi Mike,
Just wanted to first say thank you for serving our country! The great land of opportunity. This is the greatest thing that has happen to me and my family. I have learned thru hardships to let go of the past. Things happen for a reason. It's not how many times you fall, it's how many times you get up! Family & friends can have a real negative impression when they see you succeeding. My family can win an oscar on negativety. So I avoid them when possible. Spend your time doing things that are on your road to success. This is a life changing event. People who are successful take changes that are not in a comfort zone. I also was a real estate agent for 10 years. I pulled away when the world trade center went down. I had about 40,000 dollars of commision fall off of the books, 6 months of hard work. People lost their source of income, they were afraid of spending there savings , they thought the world would come to an end. This is how I got back into the home improvement business. I had to do something quickley to make money to support my family. The economy has effected my income also. So one night after crying myself asleep on my couch. Racking my brain in what direction I should take now. I felt overwelmed, disgusted, angry. Because I don't know anyone who works harder than I do. Asking myself how I got to this road again! Suddenley I woke to the sound of Dean's voice. I feel like God heard me crying and this is my solution. This is a opportunity to change my life financially. All I have to do is repeat after Dean! It's a proven strategy. If your going to look back at yor life. Look back and take the things that are going to take you further, not criple you with fear. I realized the other day that this is a strategy that I spent years doing in the real estate field without any fear for buyer's, seller's and my all time favorite were the spot builder's. Now I am doing for me now. I have a personal interest. Now my favorite builder back then will be my favorite investor. My real estate co-worker will be my contact agent. My favorite closing attorney is waiting for my first deal. Your in the right place and right time. There are methods in his book that teaches no money down and having good credit isn't a issue. Keep positive! Looking forward to many success stories............




Thank you for your support, and also for your feedback. Its good to hear stories of bouncing back from such tough times. Not only that, but you turned a bad situation into 1 which will turn your current negatives into future positives.

I'm so glad that I found an honest, proven system. I had almost given up on ever finding a mentor/program. Probably had almost given up on ever making something for myself..

I look forward to reading Dean's book and hopefully posting success stories soon!



Something I thought note-worthy:

I had not seen Dean or his infomercial previous to waking that morning. Neither have I seen it since. If I hadn't woke when I did, I would have no idea who Dean Graziosi is.

I to, feel that maybe God intended on me waking at that particular moment. I hope to find this the blessing I foresee it to be.

Thanks again.



Hi Mike,
God surrounds us with blessing's everyday. It's just our time to see it for what it has been all along. There! It's up to us now to take it and run with it. To get out of our comfort zone and make the change. It's so important for us at this point to keep placing ourselves in a positive enviroment. Stop at nothing to make this happen for yourself. It's insane to repeat the same performance again and again and then expect different results. We have to change direction and take action. Just a thought.... All new models begin with criticism of the current model! I have found that the only way out of the hole is to stop digging it! I'm taking this chance to believe again in myself. There is no stopping me now! Keep Going...... Much success always.




I received my package 2 days ago, finished reading this afternoon. I'm now re-reading and touching up on some areas. I'm still a little nervous, but confident. I'm ready to take action!

I know I have to get out there if I really want to learn to implement. What better way then trial and error right? I do however, hope to avoid the "error" part whenever possible. LOL

Thanks for the support! Smiling


Hey Mike,
It's been two weeks for me and I'm still nervous! At least 25 years of real sales experience, 10 years in the real estate field. I should not be afraid right? It's the fear of change. A change that we have only been dreaming about. Now it's here. We gotta take action! For me I realize that I have allowed the weight of the world lower my self confidence. But one thing I've never foregotten is that it's not how many failures or times you fall It's how many times you get up and face the challenge head on!. Errors are a blessing. Welcome them. Continued Success on this life changing event......keep me posted. I'm making calls today.




Congratulations on reading and rereading Dean's book. There are valuable tidbits of information you miss the first time around. Also, as you take action and begin the process and go back and reread the information, it may click and make more sense to you or give you some other ideas. This has happened to me. That is why I do go back through Dean's books every few weeks.

It is great you are taking action. Now, what Dean would say is find out the "WHY" you are doing this. Once you know the "WHY" it will guide you to success and make the challenging times not as challenging. Good luck on all your deals. Believe and Achieve! Smiling Indiana-Joe


YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures

TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA



Thank you kindly for words of inspiration. I love the support you get simply by being a member here! This is truly an invaluable asset which I doubt that even Dean and his team knew would come to be!

It is true, you do get more and more out of Dean's book each time you re-read something. You never know what section will spark a new thought process. Its almost hard to accept that there really is such a fortune of knowledge in a simple book.

I appreciate the advice and words of wisdom. I have a few questions in another posting that I haven't yet gotten any responses, I was hoping to maybe direct some views.


Any views and advice would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you much for all the help and inspiration!
