So often then not things may not go as planned. That's why it is importnat to always have a "Plan B" ready. You may be selling or assigning a home, if it falls apart what is Plan B. A Partner may be putting up the cash for a down payment, if the partner decided they can not have the cash available within a week before closing, what is Plan B? A tenant wants to move into your unit and wil sign the lease and pay the deposit by next Friday; you then stop showing the unit because you belive it is rented and they back out, what is Plan B?
With every situation you should know your exit strategy before you get in, but you may also want to add a "Plan B" and maybe even a "Plan C" just in case you need it. It is better to have a plan in hand and one in your back pocket rather than lose a good deal with no back-up plan. I hope this helps. Good luck on all your deals. Believe and Achieve! - Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
Thanks Joe for this insight! It is so important to have a back up plan. Being able to take control and move forth in a different direction if the situation changes. This is a must in this business. Situations almost alway's will arise. Making a plan B or even C for that matter, should always be part of the process. Thinking ahead. Follow through. There is nothing like having a flat tire without a spare one! Plan B. Continued Success..........Lubertha
Thanks for the comments and further insight on "Plan B" options. As they say you can never be over prepared. I like the analogy on the spare tire, that is good. Wishing you all the best and continued success with your real estate investing. Believe and Achieve! - Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
Seems we all agree here; I learned somewhere early on that the savvy investor is never surprized. . . I like that. It's always been my way of keeping my nerves under control when taking a leap, or a venture(our LLC's name is ITLT VENTURES!! Its The Little Things) but I just feel more confident with Plan b, c in place.
Case in point, on my most recent purchase of a home on contract for deed..I bought it for what the person owed. . the pay off, on a three year balloon note. Well, the deal almost fell apart a few times;
One day before closing he informs me that he doesn't have his share of the money for closing costs. . .what to do????
An advisor/mentor asked me a simple question, would it still be a good deal for you if you have to pay his closing.? Immediate answer, "yes". So that's what I needed to do. .. a back up plan..I paid total closing, and got him to agree to credit me me for it on the back end pay off..
Hope this is helpful to someone. THIS is also why it's important to have $ set aside in a slush fund.
mas leugo
Grady "looking crosstown for another good deal"
crosstown looker
Thanks for sharing your insight and your contract for deed story with us. I also like the idea of having that "slush fund" set aside for bringing together a good deal. You can never have enough options and the more creative you are the better. It is so true what Dean has taught, the more we can help solve other people's problems the more opportunity that will be created for us. Thanks again and good luck driving around keeping those eyes open for the next hot deal! Believe and Achieve! - Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA