Finally got financing

Finally got financing

After 6 months of trying to get financing I have finally been approved for a max of $249,000. I tried to use my mother's credit but she didn't make enough even though she owns a business. I never figured that my wife and I would ever qualify because we ruined our credit long ago, but we never gave up and trying, until I called enough homes for sale someone put me through to a mortgage specialist while asking for info about that one property and within the hour she was checking our credit and to our surprise we qualified for a loan. I was also informed that we can ask for an additional $14,000.00 to help pay all the people we owe money to and then have an even better credit score.
It's all coming together thanks to God, Prayer, and the lean mean Dean machine. Guys never give up your dreams. Never say die.




Thank you for sharing your inspiring story. It is great to hear about the never quit attitude. So often people may quit there journey like a marathon runner quitting a block from the finish line. You need to continue the journey and one day it will all come together and build forward from there. Congratulations on the good news and good luck with REI. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


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Joe Jurek CPA

Congratulations, as always

Congratulations, as always its very inspiring to see others persevere and succeed in the real estate "game."

Good luck and keep us posted!


Thank you

Congratulations angelintouch and thank you for sharing. This lets us know that we just have to keep going to accomplish what we desire. Please keep us posted

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