For the first time...My kids are going school shopping at the mall!!!!!

For the first time...My kids are going school shopping at the mall!!!!!

I must say growing up in the ghetto and struggling to put food on the table is what my life has been for the past 40 years. Now thanks to Dean I am have a ball!!

I will admit that it was rough getting my feet wet in this world we call Real Estate Investing. But now I am riding the waves and having a blast!

When I first bought Dean's book last year I was skeptical at first. my husband and I spent the last $30 we had and ordered the book after seeing Dean on TV. He had inspired us and motivated us to break free from the bondage of "BROKE".

I am currently wholesaling a property a month and bringing in more than I ever thought possible.I have not taken the step to buying properties myself yet. Even though I have come across a few that I have considered. I enjoy wholesaling (assigning) properties to end buyers. There are no strings attached and I am making a great profit.

My kids are so excited they get to go school shopping in the mall this year! That is something they have never been able to do. NOW THAT"S A STEP UP!! Thanks Dean!


Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 FREE wholesaling tips and resources!

To your success,
Carol Stinson

I'm glad

Carol im really happy for you and your family.Having progress by moving forward is just a challenge but the end is the best gift.Thanks for posting the reward your getting thanks again and best of wishes.


Carol, congrats on your success! What a wonderful story you and your family have to share and what a great way to start of the school year! Go and enjoy the mall!

Wishing you continued success,
hillvalley ;0)

Michele's Book

Hi carol,
I'm fairly new to this site and it is sure exciting and motivating to hear of your success in doing assignments. I'm getting ready to do them myself.

I looked on Amazon for Michele's book but could not find it. How would I get a hold on a copy?

Thanks for the encouragement, Scott



Very Inspiring

Freeindeed has inspired me to break out of my rut and just do it. It seems like you're stuck in a dead end until you break out and take the first step. Right now, I don't have a realtor or investor or list of buyers. But after reading her post and going to her blog, I must change this TODAY. This is new and scary, but I'll just "do it scared" as EMMA11 said.


If I could figure out how to show you my posts from when I first joined this site a year ago you would see that I was in pretty bad shape. Discouraged, hopeless, well pretty much the same as I am reading from some of the current posts. It would have been so easy to give up I mean how hard is it to say I CAN"T and just stop? But I chose to stay with it and fight.Not for me but for my children. I did it and so can each and every one of you.

I am so glad to see people declaring their freedom!! Now Go GET EM!!!


Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 FREE wholesaling tips and resources!

To your success,
Carol Stinson

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