and i'm eager to start making money.
i used to live in a small town in north carolina, and it was impossible for me to find buyers. i went to REI meetings (which were all a few hours away), and did everything i could to try and find people to invest in the area where i lived. it was looking pretty grim...i had money invested in Dean's books, and the real estate success academy, and i just wasn't able to find any buyers. the city i lived in was so remote, and no one wanted to make the move on investing in an area so far away form them.
so what did i do?
i moved! i moved to nashville tn, somewhere i always wanted to live. i've been here for a few days, and i love it. i'm looking to network and strike up a buyers list.
i mainly want to do assignments.
what are some steps i should take?
"how you do anything, is how you do everything."
Congratulations on taking action and trying to create the opportunity. The key here is network, network, network. Meet as many people as you can to assemble your real estate team from appraisers, bankers, realtors, etc. The more people you meet and network with the better. So be sure to get new business cards and pass them out to everyone. Try to advertise to finds buyers and start the process from there. Good luck with real estate investing. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
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Joe Jurek CPA
any specifics on advertising to buyers?
"how you do anything, is how you do everything."
I always found that the key to everything is the real estate agent. They usually can recommend others (ie title company, lawyers, etc). Some of them work with investors and will even help you out by referring you to them.
Good luck