locating investors help

locating investors help

Hello everybody. I have read profit from real estate right now! at least two times wrote in margins,underline,highlight etc.I HAVE BEEN READING EVERYTHING I CAN ON THESE FORUMS and its all awesome information and advice and not least inspiring but Im not quite sure what I am missing. I have located numerous FSBO properties but have been reluctant to pull the trigger because I cant seem to locate any legitimate investors. I have read on here about attending RE auctions and clubs which I have not explored as of yet but I have posted adds in stores,left my cards with numerous business's made a couple adds on craigslist.com and all I seem to be getting is juck mail,spam and invitations to check out there money making schemes or help with there programs. One guy even asked me to help him move.I have read most of the posts on locating potential investors on here but I think my aproach my be wrong or? My adds and cards have been carbon copies of the book and from some of the people that are top users Im just getting a little disapointed after all the great lessons and advice.

Any help or advice will be great thanks everybody



Hello, one place you may want to look into is http://**** its a free website for investors. you can sign up and find a listing of those in your area. they list contact information and some will list if they are cash buyers as well. dont give up your dream. its not easy I know, some seem to just have a knack for this and others like myself have to work a little harder is all. but try to keep in mind that this is sweat equaity and will pay off one day. keep your eyes forward and focus on the dream.


Go to Facebook,Twitter,sign up for a free account and anounce yourself.you will find real estate groups where you can join in and post deals you have to sell,there are investor buyers there.Also go to Google and in the search bar type in Free Classified ads,sign up for a free account and post an ad Need Investor Buyers for properties you have and get their contact info.




in case you didn't get my message from your other post. I've had really good luck from this site http://www.meetup.com/ I also bumped into DG students from this site as well.
good luck!


My goal is to pick myself up and get on solid ground so that I can overcome any obstacle or FEAR! And that I can Help someone else to do the same http://www.realdealcommunity.com/members/profile/10706

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