51 years old and working in retail sales as an assistant manager. Just started in the real estate investing business. I watched my dad over the years doing it. He always seemed to be so good at getting the property but managing was such a disaster for him. Scared us all when years ago he lost 1.5M in bankruptcy. Its not that he lost all that property that scared us it was the effect it had on him. Made us all a little shy of this business. lol when I told my family I was going to do this the suprise was on me because they supported me whole heartedly. The job I have now is a deadender and Ive been here for almost eight years now. With the economy the way it is and hours being cut Im bearly scrapping by and each month it gets worse. lol boohoo. So here I am giving this my all. This is what I want to do and starting out on the bottom is not so bad lol the only way to go is UP! I feel that the only way to succeed is to keep trying and to learn what you can as you go. You have to keep smiling. Discouragement happens, maybe to everyone, the thing to do is not to give up, not to quit, but to keep foraging ahead. People tell me success will come and I believe that.