Forest Gump. Not only is it a great movie, but there's a fantastic lesson to be learned from it.
Forest Gump is a slow individual, and has a one track kind of mind. Meaning, he does one thing at a time, and accomplishes it better than anyone else because of his inability to get sidetracked.
For me personally, my biggest enemy is distraction. Life, friends, socializing, obstacles, etc. You know how it can be. But i re-watched this movie not too long ago, and realized that if you take on a task, do it 100%.
Its kind of funny how we can find inspiration in the most unlikely of places.
"how you do anything, is how you do everything."
I agree that it is a great movie, It also showed what perseverance, commitment, dedication will do for you if one stays focused. Stay focused and keep pressing forward, the goal is SUCCESS!!!
My Mentor just told me how we will work 8 hours a day for someone to make small amounts of money & if we put those efforts into getting the stuff done that we really need to get done, For instance, If you went door knocking 8 hours a day, you'd be a millionaire in the first year, but we have mind set that tells us to play it safe.
Hope that made since because it sure did when he told me this.
Jason S.
San Diego, CA.
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i never thought about it like that, but i totally agree!
"how you do anything, is how you do everything."