This site is a great place. This is where you should get started. Come here often. Search through the site and read everything. Ask some questions, then ask some more. There is also a site search box on the top left of each page. That little box is probably the most important thing every built into this site. USE IT!!!
You will be surprised how much you learn and how fast. The only person that can really tell you where the best place for you to get started is you.
Don't worry you will know where, when, and how sooner than you think. Once you learn enough you will know where and how to get started.
Keep learning and at some point everything will start coming together. You will have an eye opening "Holy mackeral" WOW!!! epithany!!! You will be surprised when it happens. It will be like not realizing you had your sunglasses on and taking them off at night being able to see so much better. I am not exagerating it WILL happen and it won't take long. You have to continue learning etc to get there but you will as long as you keep reaching for more knowledge.
Ps. If your not new then do, please, add you thoughts on this subject.
Join my REI group SouthCentralTexas ALL active motivated gogetters welcome Your location is not important.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't force him to accept money.
-One Step Closer
I see you and I joines around the same time. I like the encouraging heart that you have even though you haven't been here long. I as a new member do appreciate your words. I'm finding myself learning of so many strategies that I procrastinate about starting one, saying "I keep learning something that sounds interesting". So how far have you gotten in a specific strategy, which one is it, and what caused you to decide on that one? Did you go thru what I'm going thru as far as choosing one or did you read one and go for it?
Reggie from KS-
I deserve success...PERIOD! Reggie Peoples-