Any Suggestions?

Any Suggestions?

Good Day to All,
I am requesting good advice for doing Assignment of contracts in Florida (this is where I want my family to live since my husband is from there) and or Kentucky (this is my current duty station since 06”) from long distance….
Assignment of Contracts... (This is where I would like to began in Real Estate)
My Dilemma:
First, I am deployed (with dreams of never having to be separated from my husband and children again like this...)
Two, I have very little family support (not willing to help with the leg work due to... disbelief of any real out come from this venture. I have had a few trails and errors not to mention the cost to go with it,so I understand their disbeliefs’)
Three, I am surrounded by people who have money (but are not into real estate investing)
I am in a unique position.
My current progress: (working through the fog...)
1. Working to complete DG Academy courses
2. I am currently working on creating Buyers list and a Sellers list too (I have found two...potential Buyers from website searches but needed a good way to contact them and keep up with the “follow up”)
3. I am currently working on a website and 1800# to attract Buyers and Sellers and use it as a way in order to track contacts information and be able to not miss any potential customers do to my position currently.
4. Also, I am not sure how to communicate with potential investors (who know little) about this type of income opportunity here where I am currently... (I have two people with money to invest when I can show them how Real Estate can work for them and one family who is looking for a second home in the price range of 35,000 to 40,000 in KY. They have a home in another state that is 150,000 now.
I would like to take the time to Thank everyone now….for the advice that will not go unused or appreciated….
DG Sis;....who is looking to the hills from which cometh my help... my help cometh from the LORD who created the heavens and the earth....


Denise C

Only GOD can turn a Mess into a Message, a Test into a Testimony, and TRIal into a TRIumph, a VICTim into a VICTory. So on this day DG Family Smile! Don't give anyone the victory to steal your Joy! They didn't give it to you and they can't take it away from you unless you allow them too!

From a Ms. Martin, Lisa M. a friend from KAF 2011


Hello to all the DGrs out there,

Is there some people outthere who could describe how to do a REO deal
from start to finish.I have the realtors to work with which I just added to my team. I just need some REO experienced investor to help me do the deals
and get it right!

I've seen how all you DGrs have helped others in Deans websites, so please,
your advice would be much appreciated.

I'm 74 years young and still going strong and my wife of 46 years is as excited a I am. I will be waiting for you all so thank you ahead of time.

Happy Harry


Harry Williams