Good Evening Everyone!!!
We just finished listening to Andrea Weule kick off the RBBP's Mentoring Sessions.
She was fantastic...very sincere and informative.
However, the RBBP system wouldn't allow us to ask questions. There was no phone number to call in AND the questionnaire box we used to send in questions apparently wasn't working. She didn't receive ONE question...hard to believe.
Anyone have the same problem?
Ron and Ingrid
"I'm discovering the best way to predict our future is to create it!"
We had the same problem. I sent a PM to Andrea to tell her of the issue.
I was online and I was sending in question also and no luck..I knew there was a problem when they kept saying no questions at this time..Plus I didnt know the # to call in
I was feeling bad there were no questions... So I am glad there was a tech issue! lol
Andrea you did great, thank you fore your time!
Thanks again Andrea!!!
Ron and Ingrid
"I'm discovering the best way to predict our future is to create it!"
Well I Learn Hands on with help..So I was wondering If there was away to get contract that was already filled out so I know what they should look like.So I can make sure everything is done the right way..I know My agent should do it right but I dont trust her.Im looking for a new one.I just need to make sure I have away out with no risk..Plus Need to know the paper work for the FSBO
I had the same problem. I was starting to wonder myself. I did send three questions via the email box, but I am not sure if they will ever arrive to Andrea or not. Now I have forgotten the questions I wrote. Is there going to be a phone number for future calls or are we only going to have access via the computer? If anyone has the call in number, please pass it on. I am assuming it is a free call.
I like the others posted comments and no response...I wonder where we had to enter our email address, will they be answered via email?
Also is the number and passcode given above the same information regardless of which mentor we listen to?
Thank-you for taking the time to share with us tonight. I appreciated your honesty of how you and Chip got started.
Blessings for continued success.
Hello sucks that we did not have the call in information I had some great questions but have forgotten them now.
The one question I can remember is if you had to to start over from day 1 what would be the first thing that you focus on?
Had the same problem
When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.
We will cover this in depth week 4 (9/5). The biggest thing you need is to have at least 1 good contingency. Here are two we use:
1. Pending Inspection Meeting Buyers Approval
2. Pending Partner's Approval
If you have a good contingency you can get out any time during that period.
Chip & Andrea Weule
AC Investment Group, Inc.
Hi Andrea!
Great call tonight! Thanks so much for sharing with us.
We did have a question for you, but ran into the same problem as others have already mentioned above. So here is our question.... It's about contacting buyers. We looked on the broward county (florida) Assessors website in order to find the tax bill and who owned the properties which our realtor just sent to us. What we found was 2 different pieces of info. The Tax Bill showed one name and address and the Assessors Report showed a different name and address. We r thinking that the Assessors report is more current and is therefore the owner we should contact to see if we can add them to our buyers list. Can you confirm if this is correct or not. Thanks a bunch! Amy and Jose
Ps...and thanks again for an awesome call tonight!
If we started over tomorrow...
Confidence - The one thing that added to our confidence was having good buyers. The stronger the buyer on our list the more confident we felt in making offers.
Open Mind - Even our Second and Third Deals were more traditional real estate deals. We have 2 properties we bought as rentals that would have been "amazing" wholesale deals but we couldn't get our heads around it yet. They would have been less stressful, but we weren't open to "Thinking a Little Different yet"
Chip & Andrea Weule
AC Investment Group, Inc.
It really depends on who updates their information more quickly. A visit to the county offices would probably be the best solution. The quickest solution would be to send them both letters
Chip & Andrea Weule
AC Investment Group, Inc.
Hello Everyone!
Anyone have any clues why there is no "Reply" of Andrea's Mentoring Session???
Is there a glitch in the system that's being address?
Maybe I'll call the front office!
Ron and Ingrid
"I'm discovering the best way to predict our future is to create it!"
Andrea thanks for a great starting call. As you have read there were issues with the questions. Will you receive the questions we submitted via the website or do we need to re-submit those questiosn somewhere else?? Thanks again and we look forward to listening to you next week.
I do apologize but we did have technical issues with the call last night. The questionaire feature was not working properly but we are currently working on this and will have it resolved as quick as possible.
The only way to access mentor calls is from the website but we are working on creating a number RBBP members can call if they choose to.
Also, there will be a recording of each call located under the 'mentor' tab in the Rock Bottom member's only website. Chip and Andrea's call has not been uploaded but we are currently working on this as well.
I apologize for any inconveneince this may have caused but we are working as fast as possible to get everything resolved.
We appreciate your understanding with this matter.
Thank you,
Thanks Jeremy, we appreciate it!!!!!
Any idea when it might be up for replay, I'm really interested in the topics covered and can't wait to hear it!
Thank you! RockBottom is FANTASTIC!
Thank you so very much Andrea, as you can see we did have many questions which perhaps we should all post here, anyway, thanks for your time. One of my questons sent was:
I've got a FSBO right now that I'd love to get under contract. Owners moved out of town, is vacant. Nice home. move-in condition. Owned since 1987. Upgraded in 06. Probably a retail sale. Should I still go for it, even though may not be a cash deal? Although, in my research I've found many CASH buyer purchases for the home they will live in.
Anyway, wondered what you guys think on this one.
Thanks again,
Jill Holden | San Diego
Investor Services
Team Development
was... if I find the FSBO and lock in as and/or assign, then sell to other buyer...where does my REA come into the pix and get paid comm? FSBO not with agent because they do not want to pay out comm
Thanks again...
Jill Holden | San Diego
Investor Services
Team Development
If you do FSBO you dont need a Agent..Just you and the seller
Thanks for comment on the FSBO question. I didn't make myself clear on this. I had my REA do the research for me on this, ran comps, found an MLS listing from 2006 which is when the house was first vacated. then had their son live there and now vacant.
I guess I would just pay my REA out of whatever I make in the middle on the B to C deal?
Jill Holden | San Diego
Investor Services
Team Development
Unless your Agent does all the paper work if not I would just give her a little bit..Less than her commisssion sense you found the home and doing all the paper work..
Thanks Andrea for your first lesson. I'll be there for the next one
I too had problems with asking questions. Was surprised that there was no phone number issued as Andrea was offering us the ability to say hello before the lesson got started. I hope this all gets resolved before next week.
Have a good & PRODUCTIVE week everyone
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 EDGE Alumni
If you have a good deal lock it up. That is the best action you can take, but also put in your inspection clause, so you can be certain to get out if you need to.
Most of the strategies work best when there is CASH involved as most financing companies do not like to finance "creative deals"...meaning assignments. We did do a double close with financing, but had a great title company.
As for paying your it stands today a nice dinner or gift card should be sufficient. If she helps you bring in a buyer than it is more worthwhile to actually pay a commission to her.
Hope this helps.
Chip & Andrea Weule
AC Investment Group, Inc.
Hey all again sorry about the lack of dialog. The more people I find out were listening in the harder it may have been to do questions anyway
However, I try to check in here everyday so if you have questions feel free to post them here.
Best Wishes to all!
Chip & Andrea Weule
AC Investment Group, Inc.
Same thing happened on this call...
Andrea can you please assist in resolving this for ALL of us?
We are spending a lot of money on this benefit.
Asking questions to all of you is extremely valuable to us.
Hi Andrea and Joe and Jeremy (DG Admin),
Please provide us the dialing number and the come other people are able to speak on the conference call and rest are unknown with the number.
There is no replay in the conference call for Andrea as well as Joe Jurek....
DG Admin please help with this issue.....
I know they are working on a solution right now. I'll keep you posted as soon as I hear anything...
Chip & Andrea Weule
AC Investment Group, Inc.
ALSO - THANK YOU for the wonderful conference call last night with Joe Jurek, can't wait to listen to the Weule replay as it looks like it had some important topics I really want to work on.