finding a realtor

finding a realtor

I need help putting together questions for a realtor search help as the information I found in my book takes me to someone elses page

the Profit from Real estate Right now book gave me a link to on page 113 that goes to some other site. the search function is not working either.


Wish I could help

I have posted several posts and no reply either. I also just got the materials and many of the sites don't seem to work. Also everything is sold here and there in bits and pieces and named and renamed, so that you can't find an orderly system. Hope someone can set us straight. Ready to send this system back as all i've seen so far is a bunch of fluff and no meat.

__________________ website FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.


I'm no expert but I think I can help.

I made this mistake too, when you're BRANDY SPANKIN NEW don't walk into an office and give an agent the 3rd degree, most of them are Professionals(for the most part) and they'll see through the act, know its an infomercial program and your credibility will be gone with most of them. But not all.

Just be respectful, courteous, professional, and most of all honest with them. After all you're going to do this right? It's ALL going to be done in any case right?!? So, why with another agent and not them? You can say that in a polite way too if you think it will help solidify your case.

If you are dead set on asking them questions:
Ask them if they've worked with investors in the past, ask what some of the work they did together was, ask what they need from you in order to work with them(its two way street remember), and the most important question to ask is: "How many properties do you own or invest in today?"(Word it however you like, but the goal is to find out if they fully understand what you're trying to do, and if they have the right stuff/get investing in RE Today) If they say 100, you've got a winner, if they say "Just my own really. (How come?) Oh I've tried but I lost money it's just so: _fill in this blank__ today", well, I think you know what to do there.

Most improtantly, speak with CONFIDENCE and ENTHUSIASM but don't be hyperactive, that just scares people.

Keep low, move with purpose, avoid artillery, and GOOD LUCK!


If only I could remember I put a post up on the forums.


Did you buy the Rock Bottom Blue Print.If you did everything is there for you

Quick Filter

Go to, under the "residential" heading on the top menu bar, scroll down to "find a remax agent". Enter the office location (your city) and the state and hit "search" Then you can go into each agent's profile and see which agents specialize in dealing with investors, investment properties, property management, commercial deals, etc. You may need to call 15 or 20 to get a good one. There are a lot of lame agents out there who will be major downers to you! Keep calling till you find one that knows how to do deals and is currently doing that for other investors.


No I am one of the people who are starting this system with nothing and have no support locally. I am trying to get started but have to be sure on my first deals that I do them successfully as I will have to use other peoples money til I get money in the bank.

what do I say to my agent?

Thanks for whoever gave the website
I was able to locate few agents. One of them was very helpful and worked on my email request quickly.
However, she asked " why do you need the name of cash buyers? they're lot of them."
Would it help if I get LLC or corp name, would I be able to find the info of the buyer and send them email?

Anyone out there can help me out, would appreciate!



Never Give Up!!!

Agentlater in the dayg

I was shocked, I tried using some of these strategies a couple of years ago I ended up not following through. (Sorry I didn't) anyway I had made some business cards on my computer I told the agent I was an investor and she drove me around. There was one house I was interested in and wanted my daughter to see. The agent was going out of town later that day and she gave me the code to the lock box and several others told me to be sure and have my cards with me incase I ran across anyone questioning me. When I looked her up last spring she had was now full time and had a bigger office and didn't seem interested in dealing with me.

How I found an REA

I called several local REA from Keller Williams and Remax. They sent me listings from the MLS, but never a list of properties that were cash sales in the last 90 days. I decided to try and asked a question: "Are the any REA's in the Hagerstown, MD, Martinsburg, WV and Chambersburg, PA area willing to work with a REI?" I got two responses and one of them from remax said that they could assist me and that they helped other REI's close on 50 deals in 2010. He had no problem in giving me what I asked for. I'll be submitting offers this week. I hope this helps?



As a man thinks in his heart, so is he!

Think on these things: whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy- meditate on these things

Interviewing agents

When I talk to a new agent, I just want to know if they work with investors. They will ALWAYS say yes, because they want your business. I then ask them how many they work with, and that's when you get the "Ummms, and Ahhhs" because they don't really work with agents. If they say they work with 5 or 10, then you just ask the agent, "what kind of deals are you having success with, or what are these investors doing right now to make money?" There will be plenty of time later on to direct your agent towards your own strategies, and you need to build the rapport first.