I heard something yesterday that worries be about home prices somewhat. Im not sure if anyone else has heard this but here is Minnesota some protestors are talking about occupying forclosed homes in the area over the winter months. I dont really think this is good for those of us that are buying and wolesaling in the are. My thoughts are that the houses would get more beat up and you wont know what you might find if someone decides to use these houses. Does anyone else have a thought on this subject?
" Not Having a goal is more feared than not reaching one"
Christa Niven
have always been a target for the homeless, people that just want to party, and vandalism
as winter approaches, the need for a place to stay increases
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/renvestr/ Free tools
You'll enjoy this video that someone shared with me about The Occupy Groups protesting... lol
Jason S.
San Diego, CA.
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If they occupy the home, maybe you might be able to offer less after an inspection or back out of a contract?
Frank Baez
I thought the purpose of those groups was to be seen having sit-ins and "occupying" public areas to bring notice to whatever agenda they are pushing for? If they start occupying forclosed homes doesn't that defeat their whole idea? How can they make a statement if they are not being seen. Additionally, if they can't even be forced to moved out of the parks that they are occupying, just imagine how tough it will be to get them out of a house that doesn't belong to them.
Think less, Do more, Get results. - Dean Graziosi
Yeah PUBLIC areas- NOT homes--looks like Breaking and entering and trespassing
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/renvestr/ Free tools
I agree with reinvestor42 and rcmfunding. It would be tresspassing and breaking and entering. I guess since the house isnt realy theirs if someone purchases it they could have them tossed out, not sure how though.
" Not Having a goal is more feared than not reaching one"
Christa Niven