Title Co questions

Title Co questions

Title Questions

Name: __________________________

Fax: __________________________

Email: _________________________

How long have you been an escrow officer?

How long were you an assistant before you became an escrow officer?

Do you have an assistant? Are they familiar with the files?

Are you comfortable closing “creative” real estate deals.

Are you familiar with assignment of contracts?

Can you do “subject to” closings, simultaneous closings, etc.?

What are your hours of operation? If needed can and will you stay late?

If needed can you meet a client for a signing away from your office?

What methods and frequency do you use to communicate the status of your files and to whom ?

What recording times are scheduled for your company?

How do you handle escrow collection accounts?

Will you insure an all inclusive deed of trust?

Do you have a notary available?

What are your escrow fees?

What are your funding options?

What is the method and turn around time for property profiles?

Do you have an after hours service for title information?

What do you expect from me?


https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/renvestr/ Free tools

Thanks Mike

This helps those of us still trying to get our first deal done. The more info we get like this, the closer we are to closing that first deal.

Not to mention a higher quality network/contact list.


Mark K. Cool

Life Disclaimer: Past Failures are NOT indicative of Future Results.

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Forms/Contracts You'll Need to have

Make copies of your forms and contracts and USE them EVERY time you look @ a house or talk with buyers/sellers- STAY ORGANIZED and FOLLOW UP

you should have compiled:

buyer/investor forms

seller info forms or lead sheet

property evaluation forms/and inspection sheet

maximum offer forms

LOI, letter of intent for making offers (or use 1 page agreement to purchase)

contracts- for buy/sell, assignment, cash flow analysis for rentals, lease,

move in/move out forms

If you dont have these above forms/contracts, get them , make copies and USE them as it makes everything easier to ask and gather info needed-because you cant remember all ??'s to ask when you're starting out

If you cant find them, click my username, this takes you to my profile page, then click 'track' button and find forms.Some of these are in "Student Resources" on left.


https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/renvestr/ Free tools


Do this over and over until becomes HABIT !


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Can you tell me where to find the letter of intent form. I think I have all others. Tammy


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https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/reigirl/ FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.


click my username,click track, and see maximum offer worksheet---BOOKMARK/Copy
or search box or just click here


"Tis the season for GIVING"

femailceo wrote:
Can you tell me where to find the maximum offer form and the loi form. I think I have all others. Not sure if I have these other two though. Tammy


https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/renvestr/ Free tools

Make a New Forum with this info

This is great info Mike, start a new forum with it.

reinvestor42 wrote:
and contracts and USE them EVERY time you look @ a house or talk with buyers/sellers- STAY ORGANIZED and FOLLOW UP

you should have compiled:

buyer/investor forms

seller info forms or lead sheet

property evaluation forms/and inspection sheet

maximum offer forms

LOI, letter of intent for making offers (or use 1 page agreement to purchase)

contracts- for buy/sell, assignment, cash flow analysis for rentals, lease,

move in/move out forms

If you dont have these above forms/contracts, get them , make copies and USE them as it makes everything easier to ask and gather info needed-because you cant remember all ??'s to ask when you're starting out


Mark K. Cool

Life Disclaimer: Past Failures are NOT indicative of Future Results.

Real Estate Glossary - Click Here for PDF

View My Everyday Blog - Click Here

Help With Finding a Good Title Company


I was referred here by another one of Mike's posts. I am just starting out. I have found a good realtor and am looking for both a good title company and real estate attorney. I asked my realtor about both and she has suggested a title company she likes, and both a real estate attorney's office and a person who works with the title company.

I plan to call the title company and real estate attorney's office Monday morning and ask them the questions that have been suggested here on the site. However, I am not sure why we need to ask some of these questions, or what they mean. If I post here with their response to each question could someone help explain these things to me and tell me if they are a good title company for investors?

Also, Mike, you seem to have a lot of good information here on the site. Do you have a list of questions/things to ask a real estate attorney?


"The man who acquires the ability to take full possession of his own mind may take possession of anything else to which he is justly entitled."
-Andrew Carnegie

"Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning."
– Mahatma Gandhi

Great info Mike!

I love your outline! Very good information to have on hand and helpful for newbie's as they get started with title co's

thank you!



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Hey! Also ask them if they

Hey! Also ask them if they are

Independent or require going through an Insurance Commissioner.

If they have Independence you can then lead up your next question by telling them you'll be providing them a lot of business as an investor and if
investor discounts are available.


"A man who has never lost himself in a cause bigger than himself has missed one of life's mountaintop experiences." Richard Nixon

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