Convert Your Cash Buyers to Private Lenders

Convert Your Cash Buyers to Private Lenders

Unless you are addicted to risk, there is nothing better than having a well qualified list of cash buyers before you start finding properties. Think about it--a person with money in their pocket, who wants to spend it with you, who will tell you exactly what they want, and is willing to pay you well when you bring it to them. It doesn't seem like it can get any better than that! But it CAN!
Having a qualified list of cash buyers is your gateway to other types of deals. Imagine the positive relationship that develops as you feed deals to cash buyers, who then make money on the deals that you brought to them. They trust you as someone who follows through with the things they say you will do. You have proven that your word is good.
Now let's suppose that you find a property that you want to rehab and sell yourself. You are going to need some funding for this deal, but rather than go to a bank or hard money lender, you simply go to someone from your cash buyer's list, remind them of the great deals that you brought to them, and then tell them that you have a project you want to work on, but can see that they are paid well if they will be your funding source. They will likely say yes, and their terms will probably be more favorable than anything you can negotiate elsewhere. You have just converted that cash buyer into a private lender.
Now let's take it to the next level. You find a much bigger investment opportunity that requires $1m in capital, and will produce a 50% return within 1 year. You go to your list of cash buyers, offering an opportunity for them to buy a 20% ownership in this project for $250k. You sign on four of your cash buyers with this same arrangement, and you have your $1m in capital lined up. But only 80% of the interest in the project has been sold. Who gets the other 20%? YOU do! Without any money out of your pocket, by being the one who sets up the syndication, you are in line to make $125k on the deal within the next year. By the way, your return on investment in this deal will be infinite since you did not put cash into the deal yourself.
When I speak with students in the program who are resisting building a super-strong cash buyers list, or who are unwilling to properly qualify the cash buyers they have to determine what they are really looking for, I am astounded that they fail to see the vision and power behind these powerful relationships. This is the ultimate in leveraging, which is what success in real estate investing is all about.
Your cash buyers are your treasure chest, and the relationships are to be cultivated and nourished. They give you power in the marketplace.
What's more, we are not asking people to do something that they do not want to do. Successful investors are busy people and the value of a pre-negotiated deal that matches their criteria is something that savvy investors will gladly pay good money to have.
Best wishes, and I'll see YOU on the road to success.


Dallin Wall
Real Estate Training Team
Forum Blog Location--A collection of my
"Best of" posts:

Great advice

Hi Dallin,

I'm just starting out, I'm a realtor in NY and now live in Charlotte, NC. Pls advise me on how to get a POF letter to present with my offers. I looked into transactional funding companies. It seems as though they want you to have your end buyer in place. Which I don't yet. Due to I have to have a good deal under contract before presenting to buyers.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Ms. Monique
Charlotte, NC

~thoughts become things along with taking action~

{*when Life, Fear, Excuses get in the way- it's about showing up and doing it anyway!}

Proof of Funds vs. Verification of Deposit

As it has always been, Real Estate Investing is a moving target, with laws, regulations, expectations, etc. always changing.
Proof of Funds letters are a generalized statement of funds availability. In most cases those are acceptable. People who have enrolled at various levels in Dean's training program obtain POF letters from There are also other sites that offer these as a free service, such as
Sometimes you will discover that either your real estate agent, the seller's real estate agent, or the seller (which could be a lending institution or government agency in the case of an REO/foreclosure property)is requesting more than a POF letter. It may be the insecurity of an agent showing through, or a policy from their brokerage to try and get more offers accepted, or it may be a requirement of certain REO programs to try to weed out offers that are not well qualified. In markets where there are competing offers on properties, the terms and the "strength" of the offer are often used in determining which offers to accept.
Please note that obtaining a Proof of Funds letter is NOT the same as applying for funds. Transactional funding lenders offer POF letters as an automated feature that simply requires you to input the required line items, including the address of the property you are making an offer on, and then clicking submit. These letters are free, they will do them for each property you want to make an offer on, and they do not care if you request 10 or 10,000 of them. If you are obtaining an example POF letter to present to a real estate agent, you will need to supply an address of a property, but it can be your own property, or that of a friend or relative.
In some instances, a Verification of Deposit (VOD) is preferred over a POF letter. This is an actual bank account record showing available funds within 30 days. It is possible to obtain a VOD even if you do not have a cash buyer for a property lined up, but there is usually a cost involved with obtaining this particular document. Also, if you begin working very closely with one of your cash buyers, over time it would be appropriate to request from them a VOD that you can use in making offers, and which they will update on a monthly basis. If you are making lots of money for them by providing pre-negotiated deals, they will probably be happy to help you out a little in acquiring those properties for them.


Dallin Wall
Real Estate Training Team
Forum Blog Location--A collection of my
"Best of" posts:

Dallin I recently came across this concept

Of having your buyers also become your lenders, but you've taken it to new heights! Thank you for sharing. I also did not know about VOD! Great info!

__________________ website FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.

Oh and can you explain

the breakdown again on the 20% for four buyers, right, but doesn't that mean for me to be a 20% partner I also need to put up the same amount of cash, ....confused?

__________________ website FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.

Proof of Funds

I will look into those TF companies for a POF letter. I know as a realtor we call to verify funds from lender. I understand with most TF companies they don't answer phone to verify funds. Also, I'll look into VOD's. In the future when I established a working relationship with one of my investor's, I'll see if they're willing to provide POF letter.

Thank you for all the help!


Ms. Monique
Charlotte, NC

~thoughts become things along with taking action~

{*when Life, Fear, Excuses get in the way- it's about showing up and doing it anyway!}

Private money

If you are not licensed to sell securities, or your source of private money is not licensed to lend, private money is a little more complicated. Don't get me wrong. I am not saying it can't be done. To do it legally, federal and state securities laws and their exemptions need to be addressed. Typical legal fees for a syndication can run between $12,000 and $20,000 to comply with federal and state securities laws and filing requirements for the offering. People do illegal private money transactions every day for one of two reasons...they don't know, or they don't care. You can do yours legally or illegally, your choice. But now you may have an idea why hard money lenders charge 4-6 points and 15% interest. You can pay them to comply with the laws, or you can take it upon yourself to comply with the laws. Just remember, nobody complains about an illegal transaction until it blows up.


Femailceo, thanks for your comments. To participate in a transaction as a partner, one must supply something of value that is accepted by the other partners as good and valuable consideration. If the deal is good enough, and you found it and will manage the arrangements, I think you will find no resistance from your partners.


Dallin Wall
Real Estate Training Team
Forum Blog Location--A collection of my
"Best of" posts:

Private Money Response

TRSD, thanks for adding your valuable comments on doing things legally. Our objective in training is to always direct people to do things legally, ethically, and morally. And don't even walk close to the edge, it is too easy to fall over.
In using money from a cash buyer to finance a transaction, we absolutely want to comply with laws, which would either require that the transaction is done in conjunction with all applicable securities laws, or that the cash buyer become a money partner in the venture you are undertaking.
While my comments are designed to open your minds to other ways of seeing the potential of relationships and leverage, I am grateful for the addition of comments that contribute to the mechanics of legal, moral, and ethical transactions.


Dallin Wall
Real Estate Training Team
Forum Blog Location--A collection of my
"Best of" posts:


Hi All,

I looked into the 2 TF companies and you either have to be a Corp,LLC or for Americancashfunding a member of one do Dean's programs. Since I don't qualify under those terms, is there another source I can get a POF.

I really need help, I informed my realtor I wanted to make an offer on a property. I have to submit POF with offer.

Pls advise.


Ms. Monique
Charlotte, NC

~thoughts become things along with taking action~

{*when Life, Fear, Excuses get in the way- it's about showing up and doing it anyway!}

POF Response

Ms. Monique, try going into, into the Proof of Funds section, and opening the Proof of Funds fill-in page. Admittedly you do have to fill in an LLC or other entity name, but the bottom question asks you if you want to have the letter published with Your Name, Your Company Name, or Both. SO, your solution is to till in a fictitious company name to fulfill the requirement of the fill-in box, and then check to have your letter published in your name, and NOT your company name, and no one will ever see the name that you filled into the box.
This may seem a little convoluted, but it will get you your POF letter, in your name, with no reference to a business entity included.


Dallin Wall
Real Estate Training Team
Forum Blog Location--A collection of my
"Best of" posts: