I have 18 cents to my name plz help

I have 18 cents to my name plz help

Hi everyone i was up watching channel 10 (the only channel i get sadly) and i saw Dean Graziosi at 4 o clock in the morning and i love the idea and i love the product but i was laid off from my job last year and what little money i had saved went to bills and after looking forever to find a new job im finally willing to start something new and fresh with my life and Deans theorys and product really got to me in a good way but now im in a rut were i only have 18 cents literally to my name...How am i suppose to get ahold of this beautiful idea if i cant even afford the books?



First, let's look at the positive. You have the rare opportunity to be tied to NOTHING! You can start fresh and pour your soul into this new endeavor without having to sacrafice work time, etc. You don't need the book to get started. Go to the forums and click on the first forum topic, buying reo's, short sales, etc. Read the threads. You can get started with NO money.

Thats right!! Read, read,

Thats right!! Read, read, and re-read!! All the information that is in the books are here on the forums!! Just read everything you possibly can... You really can do this with no money what so ever! Find investors that are close to you that bay bird dogging fees and call them up to see what kind of properties they are interested in and then find those properties for them!! moost investors pay bird doggers 500-1000...


Thanks for Good advice

Thanks for the good advice, guys, it helps ME too. Sometimes a little encouragement goes a long way when you're getting that bummed out feeling.

thanks for the help

right now my cars alternators blown but that gets fixed on wed. so after that ill start going around finding these properties.I already live right next to two properties that are completley done for and we live right next to everything from gas stations to stores and hospitals, so this might be a great start for me...I appreciate all ur support and help guys, and when i start this up ill keep everyone updated on my jurney going from nothing to starting my new life..i mean im only 20 years old so now wuld be a great time for me to start something good in my life.

if only I was 20

20 years old...Heck yeah...I am only 23, and wish I new all this when I was 20...Maybe by now, things would be so much different for me already...Just jump head first, read all you can, ask as many questions(even if you think they are dumb-cause they aren't) and apply whatever you can...Just DO IT!!!The worse thing that could happen is you are in the same position as you are now...Best case, well you could be in a much much much better position than you are in at this moment...Doing is the key though...You can learn all you want, but it doesn't do anything for you unless you are out doing what you learned!!!Good luck and keep everyone updated and hopefully we can all help out


***Something to Believe In***
"If you want something, GO GET IT...PERIOD" Will Smith
"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal" Henry Ford
~"Success doesn't come to you...You go to it" Marva Collins~


I'm 39 and have no money, lousy crdit and a job I hate. I wish I was as smart as Dean 20 years ago. B ut the good news is that I am smart enough to know a good thing NOW. It's never too late or too early to get started. I am trying to get my buyers' list going from Craigslist since it is free. Unfortunately, like many others out here, I have a hard time talking to people live. I'll never let that hold me back though. If we are serious about this we can all make it work. Stay positive!

Stephen from Boston

Dean's book

Jobhunt, did you order Dean's book yet? If not, PM me with your name and address and I'll order and pay for your book. You can pay me back when you close on your 1st deal!!!!!!!!

bird dogs fees of $500-$1,000


What state do you live in? In SC you are lucky get $100 per lead and that
with pictures and courthouse data.


What else is there to...Say

Mike, You are in the right place! The replys i have read! Like i said,
You are in the right place!!!

P.S. I knew somebody would offer to buy you the book.