Jan here from the team of Jan and Jeremy. This is an alert for all of our DG family.
I have noticed a bunch of posts from private lenders offering financing to our family members on our site. BE VERY CAREFUL FRIENDS,
Just like all of you Jeremy and I always look for different avenues to fund our deals. We wouldn't be investors if we didn't look for sources of funding. Well 2 weeks ago on a Saturday morning about 5:30am I went down into our office to log on to the DG site and what did I see? A post from a person named Donald Marx offering private money. To make a long story short, I got in touch with this guy, started answering questions on his application and lo and behold he told me we were approved for $90,000.00. No credit check, no ss#, no conversation about taking a lien on one of our properties, nothing, until he told me that we had to transfer $750.00 to $850.00 to the bank to arrange for a money transfer from the UK. OK, stop the presses. Come on now. Again no verification of any type on his end who I was or what I was doing with the money.
Hey, I know there are a bunch of you out there who would jump on a deal like this, but this was to good to be true. Just make sure you check these companies out before you sign anything, I mean it, CHECK THEM OUT REAL CLOSE.
OH yeah, the name of this company is Planet Capital Investments, and there are some other individuals out there on this site with 1 post only offering to do the same thing.
They all started posting around the 1st week in January.
I love it. Very nice page and easy to use. Convenience is key, and you nailed it. Good job.
Thank you Jan for the alerts notice. It reminds me also to be more careful
who I may be dealing with. I as well as anyone else, would want the truth
and honesty of other team players here and you and your partner provided that.
Thanks again we all appreciate this.