What to do when you're UNEMPLOYED and trying to get started...

What to do when you're UNEMPLOYED and trying to get started...

My name is Jonathan, I live in Las Vegas now, since the Papermill that I worked at back in Wisconsin decided to close its doors on me. For the last year and a half I have been living on unemployment, but just like many other Americans, it is nearing its end. My mother and I have devoted the past three months to anything and everything that we can find out about real estate investing. We are currently taking online courses, reading book after book, and have even scraped up enough money (that we didn't realistically have) to attend one of Dean's Live 3-Day Seminars. The fact of the matter is that we can't afford anymore money to learn so-called secrets from anymore gurus. We are opening every possible door that appears for us, only to have it slammed shut when we mention that we are investors looking to do any type of no-money-down deal. We have gone thru the process of fixing our credit, and now face the dilemma of having above average credit to apply for a loan, but are being declined due to NO J.O.B. (Unemployment is not considered as income when it comes to applying for a loan) Our intent is to keep opening doors until one of these strategies works. We are essentially in a "catch 22" where we are in an excellent position to find great deals FULL-TIME, but without that J.O.B. we can't get financed, yet if we were to get a J.O.B. it would not only take @ two years to get financed, but we would no longer be able to work for ourselves in this real estate investing business full-time.
I am sure that there are many of you out there that are in my same position, or at least in a similar "No money, How do I get started" point. I am writing this forum to help out not only my mother and I, but the multitude of others that are searching for a few Quality Answers. If anyone has a "current" strategy that they are using that would fit a No-Money-Down situation, like the one that we are in, please...ANY and ALL suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I know that from what I've read that it has been done in the past, and it probably is still being done today, we just would like to know what steps to take next to start Flipping / Wholesaling / and eventually buying and holding these killer deals, so that we too can profit in this opportune environment.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post, and a blessing bestowed to all that offer assistance to those of us who are searching for answers.


"One thing I like about stones in my path is when I cross them they become my milestones." -Unknown

have you tried advertising

have you tried advertising on Craigslist or posting sings to target investors to put the money down?

Remember that Dean teaches you how to use "other people's money". Smiling

I'm currently looking for investors as well...

a good place to meet investors are auctions, real estate clubs, this website, etc!

I'm still in search of an investor too!



Here's your first class ticket on my plane to destination: MILLIONS!

"An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest." Benjamin Franklin

thankx for the comment marianne

I have made up a few sample ads for Craigslist but not posted any of them yet, since I am really struggling on who I should be targeting. The same goes for the signs/fliers idea...I know that Dean suggests putting feeler ads out there to build your buyers list, but it is difficult to grasp the concept of telling prospective investors that we have properties when we really do not. I am all about the concept of using OPM and may just go ahead and post some of these ads. I have posted one on www.Go4funding.com looking for investors, and have gotten a few hits from it over the last two months. We are also going to a local REI Club (INV Coaching - Las Vegas), where we have met and are networking with a few more investors. It's just gotten a little difficult to know where to turn to next, since most no-money-down deals are very difficult to find. We are almost to the point that we are going to start knocking on doors to find these potential 'golden opportunities'. Haven't gone to any auctions or to the court house steps either -- yet...but if nothing opens up for us soon, those are some possibilities. The fact of the matter is that neither my mother nor I want to join the herd of other workers out there doing the JOB thing again. We would much rather work for US not someone else. Anyhow, I guess we'll just keep on pushing -- there's no way that we are going to give up on this -- Financial Freedom is at our fingertips all we need is the right door to open for us and there will be no stopping. Best of luck with your investor search & happy investing. Jonathan


"One thing I like about stones in my path is when I cross them they become my milestones." -Unknown

Getting started with no money

Have you tried getting a house under contract with a home owner and then assigning it to a buyer? You must find the motivated home owner that will sell the house cheap enough for you to make your fee and your buyer to make his profit. Motivated sellers could be in pre foreclosure, divorce, lost a job, need to move, Probate, tired landlord etc. Have you tried the marketing ideas the Dean teaches to find these people?
Then you need a buyer. Have you tried what Deans teaches about building your buyers list?
When you have the deal and the buyer, assign the deal and make your fee. It won't cost a penny of your own money, just time, study, networking, marketing and determination!

Good Luck!
Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC


Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins

http://www.mdhomeacquisitions.com Seller site
http://www.mdhomeacquisitionsbargainhouses.com Buyer site
http://www.mdhomeacquisitionshousehunter.com Bird Dog Site
http://www.mdlodeals.com Tenant/Buyer site

Hi Jonathan, list as many

Hi Jonathan, list as many buyers as you can. Go around and look for a property and make an offer 40%/50% below the Fair Market Value. Lock it up using assignment contract, stating in the contract that you have a $100 deposite to be given to your title company. Make sure you put in the contract that it is contingent to buyer obtaining financing, that way you will have an exit if you don't find a buyer. Blessings to all. LA


Everytime you repeat the words "I CAN DO IT" with conviction, you cancel or override your fear and increase your confidence. By repeating this affirmation over and over, you can eventually build your courage and confidence to the point where you are unafraid. -Brian Tracy-

Thank-you, Thank-you, Thank-you

I'm so glad that I finally found a topic that hit the "sweetspot". Not saying that Unemployment has anything sweet about it, but I am so focussed on making this real eatate investing business happen that I Can't Fail.

Michael - bear with me...I have only been in this business 'full-time' for about 4 months now. Which for some people (including myself) may seem like a long-time. I'll also mention that I am in business with my mother and with two other investors here in the Las Vegas Area. We have been in contact with a few FSBOs, but have ultimately found out that they were NOT motivated and were trying to get more for their properties than they were FMV'd at. We also are slowly building our Buyers-List...but, hopefully (thankx to Erik) this will get real easy-real quick. Thankx for the comment, I am following what Dean's teaching me everyday up to our first deal & beyond!

Erik - you're on. Even though I've only been at this for @ 4 months now, I gotta say, I am a regular on this website. I think it Rocks !!! There are so many different things to learn, and so many places you can go to find the kinds of answers you're searching for. As for your comment, I hear you about the banks...it seems to me that times are quickly changing and the REOs that the banks once used to be happy to get rid of, are now being held on to, AND, GET THIS, the banks are actually putting renters/previous homeowners in them to create their own money. Which really Sucx for us Investors, am I right? As far as the journal thing...ready, set, go Eye-wink

Irababao - thank you for your comment also, I don't wanna leave anyone out here. First things first...I've gotta work on my Buyers-List, I know that we can lock-up a property under contract using an Assignment Clause, and even add in further exit strategies if the end-buyers don't surface. Another tidbit that I've found out is that here in Las Vegas banks won't even look at your offer if it doesn't have at least a $1000.00 earnest money deposit attached to it. I might be wrong here, 'cause I recall getting that info. from one of the banks listing agents -- which is yet another reason to start with FSBOs and other "Motivated Sellers" like Michael mentioned earlier.

Thank you all for your comments -- Let's keep it going !! I know that there is a lot of information out there that newbee investors are searching for.

Blessing bestowed to all that offer assistance to those of us who are searching for answers.


"One thing I like about stones in my path is when I cross them they become my milestones." -Unknown

Money lending

I have some swamp land in Florida. Its not mine however. The guy said I could sell it to you and say it was mine. I actually paid for this capability. I will charge you more than you could find it for yourself!


Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins

http://www.mdhomeacquisitions.com Seller site
http://www.mdhomeacquisitionsbargainhouses.com Buyer site
http://www.mdhomeacquisitionshousehunter.com Bird Dog Site
http://www.mdlodeals.com Tenant/Buyer site


I am rather new and really am not the person to be giving advice at all especially beings I have not done my first deal either...

I have 2 ideas. First and foremost you need to locate the good deals around you and locate some buyers. I personally believe this is the hard part but for arguements sake lets say you found a killer deal on a REO and you have a buyer and you stand to make some good money if you can make this work...

Option 1- Make an offer on the home, take a deposit from your buyer which will cover the $1000 earnest money that is needed from your banks in NV. Open up a land trust for the home that you are interested in. Sell the land trust to your buyer. Buyer pays you what you are asking and you pay the bank what they are asking. (This I heard can be hard to do but you never know, just trying to give you options... and keep in mind that if I am at all wrong, someone please correct me)

Option 2- Locate a home that is a good deal. Make an offer with exit strategies in place and be able to show the home to possible buyers. Increase your asking price just enough to make 'something' (and I think this is where I have went wrong, I saw the $$$ signs and went to full FMV instead of leaving some meat on) on the home and then sell home (assign) to end buyer. Wash rinse repeat.

I know their are ways to make things work no matter where we are and sometimes to me all the creative ways just jumble up and mix with each other and I get lost... Even if I am not of any help here it has helped me write it down but I hope I have helped somehow.



Expand my knowledge about REI and read 2 more books.
Never Give up and Succeed!

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