I have been asked from someone that had recently purchased and S Corp creation whether they should have gone with a DBA. DBA stands for doing business as. If you, yourself, get a DBA you are doing business as yourself but under another assumed name. You have NO liability protection for this. LLC is cheap and can protect you from liabilities.
If you already have a S Corp use it. It does not hurt to have a Corp and use it. It will give a business name to use and will protect you from liabilities.
Some business structures you can also change the way they are taxed. For example if I have an LLC I can have it taxed like an S Corp instead of an LLC. Talk to your professional accountant for this.
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nstreet, Are taxes less for an S Corp than an LLC (800 minimum in Calif.)?
DBA has NO protection-
IF you want to check out the "FATHER" of Asset Protection and how to structure and position yourself and your business, which entity you should use, I suggest looking up Jay Mitton Asset Protection on how one should PROTECT assets.
I'm just here to HELP people.
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/renvestr/ Free tools
With a S Corp all profit or loss reverts back to the stockholders, which would be you/your wife or partner. So all gross income goes into the S Corp, then of course all expenses( telephone; gasoline; office supplies; business dinners/travel; etc.) are deducted from that gross amount, what's left over is
taxable income on your personal return.
This is a simplistic version, but gives you an idea. Because of our S Corp
we have not paid any income tax in several years.