Hey everyone-
Just left the EDGE 2013 event! WHOOO! So much great information and opportunity in an AMAZING 3 days. I was brought to DG thru my significant other Jeff(who is amazing-by the way) about 6 months ago when he started as well. We relocated to NW Indiana and have been doing this full time. I was a Licensed RE Broker in Washington State before coming to the Mid-west and have always known that Real Estate was "my calling". I am an entrepreneur thru and thru and have tried many other avenues and self-implemented programs to find my way in being independently secure but none of them seemed to fit my goals and ended up being a burden rather than a joy. WELL that has changed.
Doing RE has been an exciting and fulfilling part of my life for many years. From building my own home to selling real estate to now becoming an investor-I know I am on the right path. Since moving to Indiana in Jan we have completed 9 deals and have 3 pending.(3-wholesale, 3-fix-n-flip, 3 buy-n-hold).
I am excited about moving forward with the additional information from this past weekend and can say that ALL the presenters offered something to move us forward. That being said-Jen's presentation touched me the most.
Let me back up a bit and share a bit about me. I grew up in a typical middle class family, had all my needs met and a great family and home life. My dad worked and mom was home. We were a close nit family and still are today. Where’s the struggle in that right? As I got older and moved out on my own I found myself, more often than not, doing what I thought others wanted me to do or what was the accepted Norm and left myself feeling a bit lacking in many areas of my life-there lies the struggle.
I got married welcomed 3 children into my life thru adoption and had a wonderful step son. I was happy for some time. But as it does-life happened and there were some negative life changing occurrences and decisions we could not recover from that caused my marriage to vanish. I felt defeated and like a failure.
BUT I knew I was meant to do something big and something that would not only affect my life but the lives of others in a positive way.
I began to revamp my way of thinking and sought out ways to move my personal life and professional life to the next level. I began to see things in my past as not problems but challenges that needed to be solved and overcome and began to see that I deserved to be happy in my skin and be happy with who I was. It was at that point I got my RE License. My first year in the Biz I was Rookie of the year and did over 1M in Volume. In an effort to move my business and my life forward I came up a plan to market the heck out of my self and push life forward. Little did I know there was a greater plan for me ready to unfold.
I posted an ad for good old fashioned home Sellers on Craigs list and got one response. It was a Guy who had just gone to an investment conference and needed a realtor to help him build his business. I was eager to do the work he needed and promptly got him what he needed because I thought he could be my BIG BUYER, My WAY out of the life I had been struggling thru. LOL little did I know that the light he would shine in my life would like a path and take me on a journey that would and will change my life for the better.
Anyway, we worked together for several months and realized that we were like minded in several areas of our lives and that RE was a way for both of us to create the changes we needed to move forward in our personal and professional lives. We continued to work together for several months and he became active in the IE portion of Deans-program in November of 2012.
He relocated to the mid-west and I followed a few months after and we have been running full speed ahead ever since. SOOOO Needless to say that Craigs list ad brought an amazing man into my life who I am proud to say today is my business partner and a wonderful part of my daily life.
What I enjoy most is seeing the excitement and happiness we get from doing what we LOVE. We have time to do what we are passionate about as well as an opportunity to make a living and that is-to me- one of the true meanings of life.
This past weekend has brought all the things we have been working on together. It’s been like looking at all the puzzle pieces on the table, understanding the concept of the image we are to put together but not really seeing the box top to know what your supposed to be completing... but now I see that box top and the end result and we are ready to put those pieces of that puzzle together.
We enjoyed all the presenters but as I said earlier Jen slapped us both in the face hard and mine especially. Her message about personal struggles and feeling unworthy of greatness resonated with me. Although I have not faced many of her struggles I still have felt boxed in by others standards for me. I have been saying yes to so many "other" standards and was saying no to myself and my self-worth. Jens pursuit for self was like a neon sign and made me see and realize one very significant thing--- I DO DESERVE TO BE A SUCCESS! Thanks Jen
We have goals set for the next week-one garage door at a time- and big goals for the next year-so watch out cuz here we come!
Thanks everyone !
You Deserve to be a Success!
Jeff & Melissa
Heflin Properties LLc
NW Indiana
Wanted to wish everyone a Happy Mothers Day!
Quiet day today- walked and did some paperwork for some investor presentations. Got some sales forms completed and ready to mail off this week for some properties we are selling and showed our the house we closed on Friday to a potential renter.
Back full speed tomorrow!
You Deserve to be a Success!
Jeff & Melissa
Heflin Properties LLc
NW Indiana
Productive day so far- got our main buyers list set up and ready for action, got more of the 30Days material completed(again) getting ready for the Area Managers training this next month, send out 2 property profiles to new buyers, found another member of our power team and I think we can now say we ARE FULL SERVICE! Whew... still looking to get multiple players in each category- cuz well we are going to be BUSY ya know and want to make sure we can get things covered -GRIN.
Jeff & I went out to dinner the other evening and he wore that infamous "I Buy & Sell Houses" T-shirt and a man came up to us and asked if we needed a bird dog. Heck Yeah! He has a good sense of the investment industry and has birddogged in the past and knew exactly what info we would want and even takes it one step further to qualify some of the info cutting down on our leg work! now that's an A Player. He also had a house to offer us and we will be making an offer on it.
And the weather is beautiful here- low 80's. Being new to this area(NWI)and really having Spring weather yet the warmth and sunshine is rejuvenating!
You Deserve to be a Success!
Jeff & Melissa
Heflin Properties LLc
NW Indiana
Keep it up
Live STONG & Live with PASSION
YEAH BABY- we are rocking and rolling.
To be honest we both got up a bit grumpy this morning and in a weird space. BUUUUTT we dug in and turned the first half of the day around. We now have 2 Banks on our list to refer and use for cash out refinance options.
We lost a deal today and that one kinda stings- but we move forward!
Connected with 5 CL sellers today and will be considering 3- got a list of home in our county from ne seller to go thru.
Put our offer list together of 12-15 offers to make.
Moving forward to close on another property we own next week...
Pretty bummed about the lost deal but we cannot control everything.
You Deserve to be a Success!
Jeff & Melissa
Heflin Properties LLc
NW Indiana
Today ended up a pretty good day
Got a 2nd Bank to do cash out refi w/0 seasoning and 75% LTV on appraised value
Made an offer and got verbal acceptance on a house today. This came off of a guy who saw our Car magnets and blocked us in our parking space at the store to tell us about his house and asked us to come see it. We are signing the agreement tomorrow.
Got a 2nd poss yes on a home we made an offer on that we got off of a bandit sign.
Signed mutual acceptance on one of our personally owned homes that we are selling to one of our local investors.
Hopefully closing on our duplex for sale next week from an out of state investor. They are coming into town to view it for final decision and closing.
Connected with 2 more wholesalers off of CL and a source for poss bulk Foreclosure purchases...
When you take the time to focus on the positive the negative items in your day do not seem so significant at all!
Have a Great evening and YOU DESERVE TO BE A SUCCESSS
You Deserve to be a Success!
Jeff & Melissa
Heflin Properties LLc
NW Indiana
The EDGE was so motivating and it was great to get some nuggets of motivation a few weeks after words as well.
It was a GREAT day! Got mutual acceptance on our verbal agreement from yesterday, confirmed YES and signing tomorrow on another Bandit sign deal and we are going to show another home we found off of CL to a new buyer on a co-wholesale deal.
We are keeping that "deal flow" going.
Have a great evening
You Deserve to be a Success!
Jeff & Melissa
Heflin Properties LLc
NW Indiana
Its been another busy week and we are THANKFUL for everything that has happened and that has helped move our business forward.
Met with a guy that is from our local investment club. We met him 2 months a go and spoke to him about his investment plans. He was new to investing and we gave him a card to set up a time to chat. Welll he had lost our card and we reconnected last week at the club meeting and he said he had been trying to find us the whole month--- WOW- so we met with him this morning and he shared that he has money but doesn't know where to begin and wanted to offer his money up to work with us! We spoke about the options that could be avail to him within our relationship and he said he would like to do the Private money part. YEAH He is a PRIVATE money guy- We will be putting things together this next week and meeting him to go over a game plan for our first deal. This is very exciting for us- We already have a Hard money guy now we have a Private money guy!
We met and had lunch with our NEW Property managers and Realtor to go over game plans. She gave us some leads on some potential properties as well.
We showed 2 houses to one of our local investors- although he was interested he asked us to try and get him at least 1 house a week and gave us his criteria. NICE
We met with a seller that we got off a bandit sign and signed a purchase and sale agreement and will be marketing that property this weekend.
Got a Call from another DG'er that we met at the EDGE and they have a buyer that is interested in our area. We will be calling them this weekend as well.
ITs fun to look at the days progress but when looking at the entire week it feels good to see the steps we are taking to move forward. We are so appreciative of the training and knowledge we have received from Dean and his team, The folks that spoke at the EDGE and the other DG'er we have met and work with. There is NO doubt in our mind we are in the RIGHT place doing the RIGHT things.
We are blessed
You Deserve to be a Success!
Jeff & Melissa
Heflin Properties LLc
NW Indiana
For me staying organized is not really a challenge but- I am detailed person. But lately we have gotten to the point where I am starting to lose that detail. A few more deals and I think I'll be looking for an assistant. While this could be a great things for us giving up some control will be a challenge. I guess that will be a growing period for me.
Going to spend some time at one of our rehabs today
You Deserve to be a Success!
Jeff & Melissa
Heflin Properties LLc
NW Indiana
We are looking forward to this week. We have designed a system to accomplish more than before and are setting reachable goals for each week-and yes we are reaching and surpassing them.
We sat this evening and talked about how to structure our business arrangement with our new private money contact and how to maximize our income and make sure its a win win so we can all continue to move forward on another deal.
Connected with another DG'er regarding our Cash out banks and completed 2 of the sale contracts we have on 2 properties. We should have a closing tomorrow and another by weeks end. ALWAYS great to put more $$ in back in our account.
Also posted a new property on the IE site and out to our contacts via email. Looking forward to a quick response. Also found a Lease Option buyer for another property and she is going thru the pre-qualification process this next week. Looking for positive results
You Deserve to be a Success!
Jeff & Melissa
Heflin Properties LLc
NW Indiana
I was able to complete putting the final touches on our Power Team members so we can start sharing that information with local and out of state investors.
Got a Cash Buyers list from our NEW Re Broker and we are starting to go thru it and build our buyers list.
Getting prepared for the AM Training coming up and looking forward to taking things to the next level.
You Deserve to be a Success!
Jeff & Melissa
Heflin Properties LLc
NW Indiana
honestly not the most personally attractive day. Lots of things trying to weigh down the forward momentum but I press on
-found 8 properties to make offer on
-comprised letter for Cash buyers list contacts
-completed some necessary office paperwork for taxes
-watched more of the 30days training videos required for AM training- Already read book but now doing the online portion.
-Listed 2 properties on IE & CL for sale and got a response on 1.
-Jeff has an appointment tomorrow with an investor to get details on property criteria and a showing on one on our under contract properties for a poss lease option.
Listing the positives is a good feeling but I personally feel like I have hit a bottle neck in progress...
Tomorrow is a NEW DAY! Thank GOD for that.
You Deserve to be a Success!
Jeff & Melissa
Heflin Properties LLc
NW Indiana
"Look or something positive in each day, even if some days you have to look a little harder. Let the Challenge make you strong." unknown author
You Deserve to be a Success!
Jeff & Melissa
Heflin Properties LLc
NW Indiana
I understand that you are a professional working in the area in which my group has access to real estate for 50% off retail prices. May I send you my list of properties free of charge to you and without any commitment?
I will be saying this in my sleep! sent this our to about 70 random optometrist Dr.'s in our area(blocking them like Ali Said) and did 1 blast out to my Linked-in folks and next will be doing individual emails to all my previous Private Wealth management peeps.
I finally got pics, completed and sent out the postlets for our latest SCREAMIN deal- 30k instant equity and 10-15% ROI depending on the amount of rent you decide on and if your an IE member or not! SUPER buy and hold or Fix & FLIP!!!!
Also have been going thru the 33pg CASH BUYERS list our "A" player realtor gave us. Looking up their mailing address, how many properties they own in our area, creating a spreadsheet and looking up their phone numbers. I tool the mailing example off of the 30 day n line training we are dong for the AM training this next month and will be sending it out by weeks end to about 40 folks. I know that's not a lot but I'm multi tasking and not allowing one task to consume my day-
We got a call from one of our BIG $ investors who wants 5 properties a month today asking for another property before he leaves for 5 week vacation. But its nice he is calling us.
We got out Happiness book in the mail today and I think this is what I'm going to do! In the AM work on the 30 days online for an hour to start my day off with some supercharged business building ideas and get my mindset on track for the day. Then read in the evening for an hour out of the Happiness book that way I am starting and ending my day on high notes and with positive mindsets.
You Deserve to be a Success!
Jeff & Melissa
Heflin Properties LLc
NW Indiana
Great idea!
nice talking with you today!!!
Live STONG & Live with PASSION
You are getting so much done! Awesome! Love all the steps you are taking. That cash buyers list is gold. I did a mailing a while back, and it went so well. Had about 8 buyers call me right off the bat (and my list of cash buyers in the area wasn't 33 pages long
Happiness book is awesome. You will love it. I'm only 50 pages in, but it is amazing. Just the timing of it was good as well!
All the action is paying off big time. Congrats on your car magnet deal too...you know I took note of that!
So much in store for you, I'm excited for you!
Current Journal on Dean's site: The Second Chapter: http://tinyurl.com/p986al3
First Journal on Dean's Site: From the Beginning: http://bit.ly/ocv10
Thanks ladies-
Great to be among good support and like minded peeps
You Deserve to be a Success!
Jeff & Melissa
Heflin Properties LLc
NW Indiana
GREAT DAY- so I'll post my goals below-finally I know I know- I have chosen not to post them in their entirety because there is one on there was is VERY personal and will be a gift to someone very special and important to me very soon. When you read it you will know. This is one of my 12 month goals-He saw this on my list so its not a surprise any longer so I guess I can share. He does not understand the why on this from me but its my why and that's all that matters. The rest are also VERY important and will be achieved as well.
So today--- I stayed and worked in our office today-which right now is the dining room-lol but is VERY organized and efficient. We watched an hour of the AM homework first thing this morning and all be darned if we didn't go "oh yeah" at least once-ok maybe twice. I took one of the white boards I have and wrote the formula out for determining an offer price. We knew this but at times have drifted away from this- NOT ANY MORE!
Also got some valuable tips from a DG'er Alum that we are talking to about properties and added some much required information to our Property Profile spreadsheet(that another DR'er created-props to Kristin).
Worked on creating our cash buyers spreadsheet and mailed out 30 letters to local RE Byers who collectively have over 1000 properties in just one county. (yeah that 33 pg Cash buyers my "A" player RE Broker gave me was for only 1 of the counties we do- I NEED AN ASSISTANT)
I got 3 replies from my-ALI mailing- SWEET-added them to our list.
Got a lead on 9 Properties locally that an investor is interested in selling. Getting all the data(rental amt, insurance, taxes..)gathered and will be sending out for consideration.
Looked up 20 abandoned houses addresses that we found driving around one of the local neighborhoods on the tax assessors site and will be mailing them out tomorrow- Got the vacant home letter off of DG site-no time to reinvent the wheel here.
Now off to some reading of Happiness!
1) Make enough $ to live comfortably not worry about how I can afford to live–eventually earn 9K a month
2) Make enough $ to pay off Family debt giving them the peace they need to live a debt free life
3) Pay for TA College- 2yr goal-she can be anything she wants to be and not worry about the cost
4) Make enough money for Jeff to get eye Surgery- he has given me so much that offering him this gift would make me feel like I had at least shown him my appreciation. I know his vision is an issue for him and getting this corrected would help him keep moving forward and give him the opportunity to continue to do things has given up because he cannot see as well as he used to.
5) Make enough $ to give back to others who are in need. Offer training and support to help them move forward. Teach them how to “fish” for themselves so the can provide for their future.
6) Travel to the 2 places on my “I WISH” List
a. Figi and stay in a lagoon hut
b. Travel the castles in Europe
7) Fund a Therapeutic Riding stable for DD Citizens- My oldest Jordan loved going to ride the horses and I know that this type of program is beneficial to the DD community. I would love to open and fund a center such as this to help others like it helped my Jordan.
You Deserve to be a Success!
Jeff & Melissa
Heflin Properties LLc
NW Indiana
Another Great Week. I told Jeff that I really don't feel like we are accomplishing much but then we re-read the accomplishments of our week and feel a sense of happiness that we did move our business forward.
Today was an out of office day- have to get these some times. We put out about 25 bandit signs in one of the areas that its "illegal" so we will pick them up on Sunday or Monday since it a holiday!
Met with some new potential contractors so that when our out of town buyers buy we have enough team players to get the work done. One guy blew us away... We will see how he works out.
Got a response from my -Ali emailing- and they want a commercial property at REO pricing for min 2M... Shhaaa ok We CAN doo that!. Reached out to another DG'er who we know is working in the Commercial side of things and we will see how it goes. Its another step forward.
So to end our week we went to a local Brewpub and had a nice dinner and recapped our day and week. Made some plans to make some time management changes starting next week and are seriously considering an intern.
ITs a holiday weekend but tomorrow will be spend doing busy work and visiting one of our rehab projects.
This weekend is a very special weekend- Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. We are able to enjoy the freedoms we have today because of these brave individuals- please remember to honor this holiday for what it truly is and not just a BBQ weekend
You Deserve to be a Success!
Jeff & Melissa
Heflin Properties LLc
NW Indiana
Keeping up the momentum is not always as easy as we think. Some times its the little thing that try to knock us off our course.
it is in those times you need to have the mental ability to hold tight to the steering wheel and keep moving forward.
We had the pleasure of meeting a new contractor this past week who is very savvy and eager to work. He shared with us his experience and knowledge of the construction industry and we are pleased to have met him.
Before heading to friends house today I put together about 15 Vacant home letters and mailed them out and have begun the property profiles for a 9 property pool we will be presenting this week.
We should have a closing this week and hopefully selling one of our other properties that we have locked up.
I'll be submitting an offer on 1 property of a lady who has 6 total but waiting for them to drop off the MLS before selling them all.
Will follow up what my commercial buyer regarding his property preferences and hopefully getting him a property to lock up ASAP.
Finished up the AM training required and will be continuing our 1 hour daily self improvement training on the DGIE site.
Hope everyone had a GREAT evening and enjoyed their weekend.
You Deserve to be a Success!
Jeff & Melissa
Heflin Properties LLc
NW Indiana
Great Start to a short week!
We spent some office time this morning getting things together and getting some distressed home owner letters out, responding to some counter offers and made some new ones. We previewed about 5 properties this afternoon and will be making offers on at least 1.
We attended a new Investment club in our area this evening and it may be alright.. We will go again next week to see and see a regular meeting rather than an opening night presentation. Jeff wore his I buy houses shirt and we spoke to and gave out a few business cards. Great networking and he won a free gift so not to shabby.
Going to meet and view a property tomorrow morning with our Property manager and respond to some emails.
Follow up with my commercial buyer that emailed off of my Ali Emailing and see if I can put something together there as well.
Then locate more properties to Lock up!
You Deserve to be a Success!
Jeff & Melissa
Heflin Properties LLc
NW Indiana
we got an accepted offer on a property we re offered on. We went back to a property we made an offer on about a month ago and offered less since it was still on the market and we got the accepted offer. It s a GREAT property. needs some love but will have good equity and about a 10% RIO if used as a rental.
Mailed out some more vacant house letters.
Got the property pool offers together and will be submitting them ASAP.
Took Pics of another property that we may offer on and this seller has about 6 other homes. Could be a good option.
You Deserve to be a Success!
Jeff & Melissa
Heflin Properties LLc
NW Indiana
Had a great morning getting all our information together on the 3 properties we have available. Are of postlets and have ben sent out to the following:
IE site
DG Site
our Buyers list.
We are getting crazy action on one of the home and are sure to get it moved off the white board with in a week!
Connected with another Wholesaler who we met at the networking meeting the other evening and sent him out list and he is sending us the info on a 6plex he has avail as well.
Put out 20 bandit signs and put my number on them so now we both have our number out there! yeah BIG step for us!
We have a closing tomorrow at 2:45 on a property we are selling so we are excited about that.
Another fun filled week
You Deserve to be a Success!
Jeff & Melissa
Heflin Properties LLc
NW Indiana
It is important to take time for yourself and the ones you love! We however enjoy taking our "time" and looking at properties and driving for dollars. Busy weekend looking for FSBO/Vacant and we did preview some MLS properties that we have mutual acceptance on.
FINALLT Closed on one of our home yesterday that we sold and that was a relief. Meeting a contractor this evening on a new property under contract.
Oh yes and I got a call from the police department in one of the new areas we put our bandit signs to come pick them up. I did but funny how there are Garage sale and other advertisement signs out---hmmm no worries plenty of laces to put out Bandit signs-we shall keep movin forward.
You Deserve to be a Success!
Jeff & Melissa
Heflin Properties LLc
NW Indiana
Mondays are always so productive.
Made about 5 calls to CL FSBO
Placed CL ads for 5 of our avail properties- got 3 replies for more info
Contacted a bank about a property they have on CL that is last one on their books. doing research and will make an offer
Drove by some Bandit Sign calls houses and found out that ALL my signs we put out last week have been picked up by who knows who... We will just put new ones out in other areas.
Replied to a seller of 6 properties. Made an offer on 1 and contemplating the 2nd. ITs not something we feel is a good deal for US but may be for other investors so we are discussing it.
Connected with a FREE auction site to list our properties with.
Placed an AD for a Research Intern- lil scared about this and giving up some of the info we have to a stranger to research BUT it must be done.
After Dinner will be going thru more of the Cash Buyers list...
Tomorrow is Hard core cold calling on houses!
You Deserve to be a Success!
Jeff & Melissa
Heflin Properties LLc
NW Indiana
Pretty Productive Tuesday!
Spent an hour working on cash buyers list
half hour on CL ads
half hour responding to Overnight emails
Ran numbers for a NEW FSBO Multi-family property I got of CL- we will make an offer on it tomorrow when we preview the property.
Got 2 new cash buyers-one from the new investment club we attended and one from Jeffs earlier email connection efforts
Jeff spent time this morning connecting with PM peeps
Began revising our Business plan
Got 4 responses to mu Intern Ad- Even though I clearly said it was a Non-Paying Internship people still emailed with pay requests... Oh well we will keep searching- the right person is out there.
Got our Web page Hosting and stuff set up with new service will be creating web page ASAP so we can list properties.
We had a discussion today about our worth and profit on properties. Needing to find a happy medium for goals and presentation of properties. Work in Progress
Ended the day together enjoying the Music at the park Summer Concert and then tuned in to Joe and Staceys Live chat
Overall a pretty good day
Happy Tuesday Everyone!
You Deserve to be a Success!
Jeff & Melissa
Heflin Properties LLc
NW Indiana
Worked today on our new website and it will be live by weeks end.
Sent some emails to some buyers.
Met with Multi-Unit FSBO today and decided not to make an offer after all- numbers just don't jive. Could be a Great property but her balance owed is equal to her asking price and that is on the high side and she is not interested in carrying in the contract. Oh well we keep moving forward.
Got another Cash Buyer from My Ali Emails and sent them some properties to consider.
Getting a lot of response our one of our properties but no solid takers yet.
Keep moving forward.
You Deserve to be a Success!
Jeff & Melissa
Heflin Properties LLc
NW Indiana
Spent some time today researching private money sources. Emailed 4 and have phone numbers for 8 places to call on Monday.
Worked on fine tuning our business plan for these money sources.
found 4 properties off CL to consider making offers on- running the numbers
Got an appraisal on a house we have under contract that we are considering keeping. We want to keep 1 in every 6 properties we do.
Have gotten a lot of response on one of our local properties and sent our ps agreement today an interested buyer.
Looking forward to next week in Phoenix and connecting with Dean regarding the Area Manager training and learning new ways to move our business forward.
Happy weekend everyone- go put out some Bandit signs!
You Deserve to be a Success!
Jeff & Melissa
Heflin Properties LLc
NW Indiana
We feel so blessed to have great resources in this business. Where else can you go to find other like-minded individuals that you can connect with and be honest about your business and get the motivation, encouragement and support you need- then give it all back when other need it needed- hey that's right HERE!
Busy day-I spent more time working on our business plan and found myself getting excited about putting our profit potential in a formal written document. It all seems so easy to achieve- lol. And we WILL achieve it! We will be using this as a tool to entice other investors to work with us and to obtain private funding to further our business. So I know its like 6 months into the year and we are just completing this but honestly we had all the info written down but just on in a format we could use to present us officially- it feels to know we are working this business like a business.
We showed one of the properties we have under contract to a local investor we have been working with and he wants the property. This will be his 2nd purchase from us- YEAH! We will be working with him a lot more after he returns from a 5 week vacation but in the mean time he has several properties in the PA area that he wants us to help him sell- WHOO HOO! He is sending us the details.
Got a buyer referral from another wholesaler in IL and sent her our other 2 properties and she said she will look them over and follow up with us beginning of next week.
Jeff will be partnering up with a money guy we met at our Investment club on another potential property when we get back so that is good resource.
Get back from where you ask??? Phoenix BABY! We are leaving Wednesday Morning to go meet other DGers for the Area Manager training with Dean, Matt and others. Not excited about the heat-yeah 109 degrees ugh- but looking forward to more networking with a small group and learning more ways to move our business forward. We will also be going on a 6am hike with everyone up Camelback mountain. I have not hiked in years but will be giving it a go- Can't NEVER did anything-my dad always said...I may be the last one up but at least I can say I did it! lol
Anyway off to repy to the days emails and some quality time with my man! have a GREAT Evening everyone.
You Deserve to be a Success!
Jeff & Melissa
Heflin Properties LLc
NW Indiana
Getting ready to go to the AM training in Phoenix. Leaving in 3 hours....
You Deserve to be a Success!
Jeff & Melissa
Heflin Properties LLc
NW Indiana
Literally- I arrived in Phoenix this evening for the area managers training and its 110 out there- HOT! Anyway great first evening at the meet and greet. Got to talk to Dean Matt and some other GREAT DG investors looking to move their business to the next level. Got some good in site on some things thru general conversations and am excited about what the next few days has to bring.
Have a GREAT evening
You Deserve to be a Success!
Jeff & Melissa
Heflin Properties LLc
NW Indiana