I used to get depressed around the holidays, but I'm too busy now making the frikin money.
Check out the photo of my happy bird. (To bad we can't display photos on this forum) dog/partner,Jerry, on a Reedley deal. I told Jerry to give me a smile when I snapped the photo So, Would You call that a smile?.
We just closed on a nice deal for $8,000 frikn dollars, that's $4,000 buckaroos each. The sellers had a dispute on how to divide the proceeds which delayed the deal for a few months. Our Title girl acted as mediator, she deserves a bonus this xmas.
This is the 3rd deal I've closed on this month, One with Rich for $2,500 each, and one I found on my own for $4,000 and this one for $4,000, along with the $300 I got in rent cash flow that's $10,800 this month.
The crazy part is, I got 4 or 5 more in escrow and getting one on contract tomorrow on a house Fernando found that I already got sold, also got a nice one in Corcoran that Jose found. We started escrow last week on it.
Some exciting times, and guess what? 2015 is going to be better. I Just ordered 500 Bandit signs, gona do some more mass mailings, the bird dog/partners are going to get out there and find some more deals also.
If you don't believe this works, I dont blame you, it sounds crazy as hell, find junk houses, get them on contract and flip them with no money, never take title, never meet the sellers or buyers and pick up some insane checks. What planet are we on??? And this is still small time. Just wait till we get good at it.
You will make the money, if, you believe you can.
Time to kick some Real Estate ass.
Happy Holidays
Rando you are diffenrily on fire! Are you double closing on any of them? I have 6 under contract all bank owned and haven't been able to find a local title co that will dry close . So planning on double closing. Any way I enjoy reading your progress
"Don't tell me I can't, Tell me how I can."
I've never done a double closing. But it may be coming as my deals get larger, I've done a few for 15K. Somebody was telling me that double closing is not as expensive as I thought. Because title insurance is the majority of the cost and no need to pay for that with the first closing,.
I've also never flipped any REO's. How does that work?
Well the train is rolling thanks to you, much success, Jim
I have to purchase it first and then my buyer comes in right behind me and buys the property from me for a higher price. But only if these isn't a deed restriction placed on it by the bank to not resale within a certain period of time. Thanks for you info Rando and keep them coming
"Don't tell me I can't, Tell me how I can."
Donna doo, Do you have that kind of cash to buy them first? I get offers all the time from Traditional funding companies. They want 2-3 points plus other fees and with the double closing costs it cud be substantial.
Of course, if it means saving the deal and not freaking out the seller or buyer with how much profit ur making.
that's where private money comes in handy, so you don't pay the points and higher interest rates
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...