Have you ever come up with thought provocative ideas while driving your car, or while doing some chore? Ideas that, if acted upon, may have created you more time, more pleasure, or even more wealth. I call them "brain farts." Everyday I have brain farts concerning my real estate investment career. I even wake up in the middle of the night and have to record them on a dictation machine before I am able to go back to sleep.
I intend to share my thoughts with you. You may swipe them and incorporate them in your investment career any way you see fit.
Today's Brain Fart has to do with what I noticed while driving on a busy interstate during rush hour.
Why is it, people stress themselves out going to their 9 to 5 each and every morning? I see them putting their lives at stake while trying to maneuver through a maze moving bump cars. I wonder what would happen if you asked your boss if you could change your work hours from 9 to 5, to 10 or 11 until 6 or 7. I know some companies allow flex time, but most don't. What if you worked from home during rush hour and then made the long journey to the office after rush hour? What if you worked from home "X" number of days during the week and reported to work on "Y" days of the week? These actions may help eliminate the wasteful use on gas and cut down on pollution. These action would help prevent needless deaths due to accidents.
What if....what if...
The point is, you never know unless you ask. Don't let current conditions dictate your future. Take action now and determine your own outcomes.
My thoughts for today. I hope they were of some help.
Marketing and Financing appear to be the two biggest obstacles that investors need to hurdle if they are to succeed in this business. Yes, his is a business as Dean and Matt have stated over and over again. Therefore, treat it as such.
It's been all over the news and there have been posts that renters are paying more for rent than it would cost if they own their own home. For whatever reason (probably fear and uncertainty concerning the real estate market) renters are not taking advantage of the opportunity that todays market is presenting. As an investor, we must help to convince renters of this opportunity. So my question is, how do we go about this?
We could place bandit signs outside apartment complexes advertising that houses are available to even those with tainted credit or that they (the renters) could own this beautify 3/1 home for what they are now paying for rent and with what they used as a security deposit as the down payment. However, some may have already tried these methods and I would like to know what percentage of renters responded to thier ads.
Recently, i stumbled upon some information while doing a property evaluation with a real estate agent. I entered my location on my cell phone and googled to locate all the surrounding apartment complexes. I got back a list of all apartments within the vacinity along with renters comments concerning their approval rating of the apartment complex. To my surprise, there were numerous tenants really dissatisified with the apartments they were renting.
I plan to use this info to send the tenants a yellow letter advising them that they no longer had to put up bing dissatisfied with their current rental situation and that they may qualify to either rent or buy a good quality home
nearby and to call my number to up an inital visit.
I'll let you know what type of response I get from my letters.
Give this a try and let me know what type of response you get. Also, if you know of any other techniques to apply to renters, please advise.
To Your success,
Years ago (about two to be exact) I started this forum because I was having Brain Farts throughout the day. Some provided insight as to why things were happening to me, Some Farts where just that....Farts.
Well, they have started again. I'm having Farts (Brain Farts, that is) on a daily basis and they come at all times of the day.
For instance, why is it we think one deminsional when things (the world and its many objects) are multidemensional. Why do we create bandit signs in English only when the world around us consists of English, Spanish, Chinese, Indian, Japanese, etc. native speaking people. We would agree that an interpreter would be required to field such calls and responses, but the playing field is limitedless. If we expand our demensions, we can expand our vision.
Well, that's my fart for the day. Glad to be back.
As Mike said keep always God first in your life along with our redeemer Chirst Jesus( Matt 6:33) and you will never go wrong and have time to see life for what it really is with great appreciation for the Almighties handy works are beyond words in our human language to express his wonderful handy work.We need to keep this all simple and it will work, many thanks, wishing you all great greatness, Jim
Great hearing from you again. Best wishes as always