Nancy & Dave's Path

Nancy & Dave's Path

5:30am Woke up thinking about the offer we made on the house with the falling retaining wall. (Too many what ifs going through my head). Need to talk to an engineer and see if we could meet him at the house.
Will call and follow up today.
6:30am Got up and got ready for work.
7am Balanced checkbooks, personal and business.
Dave completed payroll for our business.
8am Called and left reminder message that we would be stopping by at 9am to see Contractor's work. Checked email, and got a great message from our mentor!
8:30 Ate breakfast in the car on the way to the house above. Garmin wasn't updated and so it couldn't direct us. Dave figured out another way to get us there.
9:10 - 9:25 Owner was a no show. Looked around the property as much as we could for the quality of work of the Contractor on the outside, but couldn't see the inside (majority of work).
9:30am Met Realtor at first of 5 houses scheduled to see this morning. We were able to see them all.
11:45 Went to city permit department to check on some of the houses. One of them is in the historical district. Found out what the requirements are.
12:00 Called car mechanic on news about my car??? Not good - they can't figure out where the battery drain is coming from!
12:15 Called and scheduled appointment with engineer for tomorrow at the property. Can enter into the backyard no problem.
12:45 Home for lunch with daughter.
1:30 Headed for our shop. Had to stop and pick up Christmas presents for employees first. Stopped and picked up a few for friends and family too. Payday for employees. Pick up work.
5:30 Stopped at the market on the way home.
6:30 Made dinner. Watched the 49er game as we ate all together. Read mail from Realtors - comps and a Fannie Mae addendum for an offer we made. Couldn't make heads or tails of the legalize!!!
11:30 After reading a bunch of these great journals, decided (our wonderful mentor said we should) to write our story too.
12 midnight Going to bed, smiling all the way up the stairs, and will make sure to thank God for a wonderful day. God bless.


Busy day!

Congratulations on starting a journal! Keep taking action! Looking forward to your success!


Real estate works...

Busy day!

Thank you, It was a very busy and wonderful day!

Merry Christmas and may you have a happy, healthy and blessed New Year.

P.S. I love your monopoly symbol!


Way to go you guys rock, It was so great getting to do the one on one with you guys, People like you two make it easy. I do know you two will make it to the top an ae the type of people that will always give back. What a honer to have you two as freinds.



Start of another great day - Praise God

5:40am Just watched Dean's weekly wisdom and loved it. Had to post to it and then check on journal site. Yippee! I got a message of encouragement. Thank you.
6:40 Completing punch list for today. Smiling all the way, because I love what we are doing, and I just know, really -just know this will work and we'll be able to put food on the table, not only for our family, but also to help others in need. I am wondering how long it will take to get our first deal, 4 offers in last week, this week will do at least 6. I'm smiling all the way. Can't say I smiled this much in my old J. O. B.

Thank you

It was a blast getting to know you and doing the one on one! We can't thank you enough for all your nuggets of wisdom, guidance on our first aggressive offers, how to get to that point and how to get to where we want to go. You are awesome Randy! The honor is all ours. With lots of respect and tons of gratitude, your friends, Dave & Nancy

Nancy & Dave

I talk about you two all the time. I will be sharing with the groups about how when we did the boots on the ground, When class was over you both went to the hotel computer and went to work. And yes these guys have not stoped. I bet it want take them 9 months to their first deal like it did me. Can't wait to read about your first closing. Anyone on here make sure you keep up with this couple. I know they are going to make it work.



Merry Christmas and congrats!

Hope to hear more about your progress soon. Best wishes!



We got our first deal!

Dave and I have been making offers galore! They just seemed to not get accepted. We stuck to our guns, and followed our formula for each and every one. Our first Realtor moved on and politely bowed out. Shocked us what he said and why he did it. Our second Realtor after seeing many houses and also making many offers with him (none being accepted) but, when he saw them, was encouraging us, gracefully retired from real estate! Wow! Now both of our Realtors in 2 different MSAs where gone and we were now hunting for a Realtor instead of property. I was really discouraged. But Randy, our mentor, always had great words of wisdom and encouragement every time we talked. I felt so blessed to know him, much less he would take time out of his busy day to talk to us and help us.
Well it's a long, scary story that perhaps one day we'll tell, but suffice it to say, we made it. We just made our first deal on a 3/2 home that was accepted. We are using lots of borrowed money, whoops, investor's money to make this deal happen. It's a win/win all around. And the first thing we are going to do after we fix it up and sell and actually have the money in our hands (that's when the fat lady sings, and boy does she sound good) is give back. Right now we have only been able to give back a little and I want to do so much more. Our Catholic school needs a preschool and I really want to get that going for everyone, God willing.
It's 4:27 PST and I need to get more sleep. God bless you all and keep the faith. Randy said it took a long time before he landed his first deal! And he wasn't kidding, it took us a long time too, must persist. Good things do happen to those who stick to their principals and wait:)
God's blessings.


Very excited for the both of you. Can't wait to hear all the details regarding the deal. The first on is the hardest.


Cathy B

Follow my progress at:

Hang in there Nancy...

Persistence is the key. Hang in there Nancy - this is a marathon not a sprint. I promise that it will pay off and you will look back at how much you learned through it. Remember, if this were easy, everyone would be doing it! The winners persist and never give up!



"If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."

If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125