Hi all.
Things are not going vary good for me,To be totaly truthfull to you (and me)I haven't put forth the efort I should,and excepting the poor results I have been getting. So,tonight I have disided to go back to the basics. The great coach John Wooden (I don't think that is the corect spelling but I think you know who I am refering to) pushed his players to practice the basics every day nomater how good they were. And as a result of that training he won like 11 championships, and like 7 in a row, more than any coach in any sport in history. I have had THE ROCK BOTOM BLUEPRINT since it first came out this last sring, probly one of the first 50 to get it,and havent been able to acomplish what I set out to do(my own falt).So tonight I'm starting from the begining, nomater what I have done I am going to do it like I'm just starting out for the first time. I'm starting this journal because I think one of the problems is that I have nobody to hold me acountable so I am asking anyone to help me, keep me acountable. If I say I am going to do something check up on me and make shure I do it, and please don't be nice about it. I'm sireus about this. My wife deservs better then the life she has been living. So here we go, I am giong over to the RBBP right now and I will check back when I finish the first section of 30 days. Be ready to kick my but.
Ok,I just finished watching the video on the first page of 30 days to cash and tomorow after work at 2:00 I will check in with you and work on my why. good night and god bless.
Hey, Ok, so you're a sports fan. Competitive nature in you no doubt. Good for you! That's the spirit! Don't give up. NEVER give up! I wish you the best and with an attitude like that, you WILL see results. Thanks for sharing your progress. I feel as long as you don't give up and give in (Deans video from last week-about the "enemy within"....)as long as you are still "in the game", your chances of success are GREAT! and it IS PROGRESS!. By your decision to "stay in there" you are making your own "luck",progressing,(step forwrd, step backward, whatever, just keep moving in the direction you intend.) and moving closer to your goal. Hang in, stay tough, kick butt!
Get that "why" on paper. It helped me hope it helps you!
Best Wishes!
Ok I'm home from work, boss is mad because I skiped out on the overtime, but I need to stay on track and get this done. So today I'm going to do my why, and my goals, and when I am done I will post them here for everyone to see. See you in a while.
I can't stand it anymore (LOL) Dayly is spelled daily.
Goal setting is great. Here is how to make them work, rather than just saying this is a goal. That is easy. This part of making goals really happen is not.
It is from Zig Ziglar. For each goal do the following.
1. Write it down
2. Put a compeletion date on it.
3. Identify the obstacles that will prevent you from achieving the goal. Write them down.
4. Identify the people or organizations you will need to work with. Put them in place.
5. Write down what you will need to learn and how to learn it. Then learn it!
6. Write down your action plan.
7. Write down what is in your way.
Don't just write, I will have a new car and a big house or financial freedom for my family etc. etc. We all have those goals. Doing step 1 through 7 is how you will actually move past the dream phase into the hard work phase.(where goals are actually attained!)
Good luck in 2012!!
Mentoring/Partnering Nationwide
Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC
Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins
http://www.mdhomeacquisitions.com Seller site
http://www.mdhomeacquisitionsbargainhouses.com Buyer site
http://www.mdhomeacquisitionshousehunter.com Bird Dog Site
http://www.mdlodeals.com Tenant/Buyer site
Ok I'm back.
I thought long and hard and all I could come up with was to give my wife a better life. But I knew that wasn't it, there was something elts because I could give my wife a bettwer life any time, but she is happy just the way we are, there must be something elts.
So I went back to the 7 levels deep and this is what I came up with. I'm not going to go through the whole 7 levels because the only one that realy counts is #7. What I came up with is, respect and admoration. You see I grew up vary poor and in school I was also vary quiet and shy, so I was picked on and bullied to an extreem. So looking back, when I got to be an adult, I would look for ways to help people, not just to help, but for the feeling I got by being the hero. So I think that is why I want to succeed in REI because it not only alows me to help people, but it will help me gain the respect and admoation of my comunity.
As for my goals, they are as follows.
1) By January 1, 2013 I WILL have earned $60000 from my RE buisiness. When I reach this goal I will feel sooo relieved that I will have enugh money to pay all our bills without having to deside on witch ones to pay, and witch ones will have to wate. I will feel less stress, and therefor be healthyer.
If I don't reach this goal I will probibly just go deeper in the hole, and risk loosing my wife, and what little respect I have in my comunity.
2) By January 18, 2013, my 50th birthday, at 12:00 noon, I WILL quit my job and never work for THE MAN again.... When I reach this goal I will feel so proud of myself that I will be self suficient, and not be told what,when,where, why, and how to work any more.
If I don't reach this goal I will just keep doing the daily grind, and drive myself into an erly grave.
3) By February 15th, 2012, I WILL compleet my first deal, and profet $5000 from the deal. When I reach this goal I will be estatic! !!!!! I can't put it in any other words,it would just mean so mutch to me.
If I don't reach this goal, or should I say, if I don't ever do a deal, it will be just be another wast of my life, and I CAN'T let that happen....
4) Every day I WILL compleet one homework assignment from the 30 days to fast cash corse. When I reach this goal I will feel vary,vary excited because then all my other goals will fall right into place.
5) In addition to the 30 days to fast cash I will spend one hour reading one of Deans books, witch I have 3 of them, or studying THE ROCK BOTTOM BLUEPRINT.
When I reach this goal I will feel encouraged, because it will add to the foundation witch is my real estate buisness.
If I don't reach this goal things will just be tougher.
I have many other goals, but these are the top 5 that will take me to the top. Hay, I just had an idea, I am going to turn these 5 goals into my FIVE COMANDMENTS, and I will live my life around my FIVE COMANDMENTS.
Well thats it for now. Tomorow I am going to call some real estate offices.Right now I am going to do some housework for my wife before I read some of Deans literature.
I know I'm a bad speller, but, you are just going to have to deal with it or you will have an anurisum, yes that is probibly spelt wrong to,reading my post.LoL
Yes that sounds like a good way to wright down my goals. I am going to do just that. Thank you for that Michael.
Lol. I think Mr. Mangham just had another aneurism. That's just how he is. He has had some very valuable advice for me when I needed it.
I wish you the best toward achieving your goals!
Good luck!
"Remember, success is a journey, not a destination.
Have faith in your ability."
Bruce Lee
Bad spelling never stopped anybody from being a successful REI!!
Your goals of 1 through 5 are great ones!
By applying Zig Ziglar's 1 through 7 on each one you WILL get you there!!
It is SO easy to come up with goals 1 through 5.
It will be so difficult to do 1 though 7 on each one. You will REALLY have to think about how you are going to achieve each goal.
1 through 5 are just "dreams" without Zig's 1 through 7. THEN they become goals.
It is also important that you set goals that are attainable. One of my goals could be to explore the moon, but I don't think I would make it.
Number 3 is a very, very hard goal to meet. I would say that less than 1/2 of a percent of people have hit that 30 day mark. Right now you have 30 days to find the deal, get it under contract, find a buyer, get him under contract and close to make your $5000 in 30 days. Barely physically possible for a very experienced investor. This goal has set you up for failure. I would change it to 90 days minimum. If you get one closed in 30 days from now GREAT!!
Your other goals you can do on schedule if you work really hard at this.
Good luck and keep us posted!!
Mentoring/Team Building Nationwide
Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC
Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins
http://www.mdhomeacquisitions.com Seller site
http://www.mdhomeacquisitionsbargainhouses.com Buyer site
http://www.mdhomeacquisitionshousehunter.com Bird Dog Site
http://www.mdlodeals.com Tenant/Buyer site
Good afternoon,
It is day #3 and I just got off the phone and landed a realestate agent that is vary excited to work with me. I talked to 4 agents that were not interested in this at all, but this lady was all over it, in fact, she said her hole office of 12 agents spetialize in working with investers. I all ready have one agent that I have been working with for the last 6 months but now all of the suden I have 13 at my beck and call. Ok that is about it for now. Tomorow I am going to send my agent an email with some special request. I will check in with you then.
Well tonight I Emailed my agent and asked for all the cash sales for the last 90 days, 5 listings with my 3 critireas, and the hot spots in the area. tomorow I am going on to page 2 of the blueprint. One day ahead of shceduel.
I read your daily journal.
I too am starting again after losing some momentum in 2011.
I also noticed that January 18th is your Birthday...So a big happy birthday wish to you.
Now you have (as you posted) ONE YEAR to Kiss that job goodbye.
Good Luck,
I'll be watching.
We all feel like we are not getting the results we should have and it's because we start with "Fear" of the unknown that will hold you back. Find a RE club in your area and watch and learn from the movers and shackers. learn who is who and get your business card in there hands. All investors are looking for good deals so what dont work for you will maybe work for someone else. You make opportunity with everything you touch. You learn with every opprtunity you share. Networking is powerful. I know first hand. I learned very fast that it's a small world in our investment community.NETWORK NETWORK BUILD THAT BUYERS LIST AND SELLERS LIST. Congrat's on starting.
Averyday is a Friday so weak up each morning and get excited.
[Its still the 18th where I'm at ) Way to get back up and get going again! NEVER give up; failures are just a part of success. If you haven't failed recently, you're not trying hard enough (forgot who said that...) But, keep at it; take 'giving up' out of your vocabulary! Also, read Totally Fulfilled by Dean, its SO great for getting you ready for your success. There are many great books out there, but something about Totally Fulfilled really hits the soul with deep impact! All the best in your journey!
It is CERTAIN we will SUCCEED! Please drop by my new journal; I've added some new things so I started a new journal.
Now keep taking action. You can do it!
Thank you all for the birthday wishes, and encridgement,and yes I am going to stop working for THE MAN on January 18, 2013 at 12:00 noon, not because I don't want to work, but because I am tired of putting my life in someone eltses hands and then getting dumped because of company setbacks and having to start over again. This is the third time it has happend to us and it WON'T happen again. Again, thank you all. I will check in with you tonight after work.
Ok it's day 5 and I have gone through page 2 of the Rock Bottom Blueprint. I recived my cash sales, and 5 listings from my agent, I havent been able to get any tax information on the web so I may have to go another direction to get buyers but thats ok, I orderd my new business cards, They will be here in 7 days. I found a REI club, but it is 2 hours away, I will have to think about that one for a bit. Tomorow I think I am going to call some more for rent ads. Right now I am going to read some more of Deans book and look over some listings. I will see you tomorow.