REI Clubs Reno/Sparks Nevada

REI Clubs Reno/Sparks Nevada

I would like to get together or join an REI Club in the Reno/Sparks Nevada area.

Is there anyone out here?



Hi Robyn

check for clubs in your area in the link below.



“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss

"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown

My journal:

Thank you

Thank you Valuni. I appreciate the link. I will call them tomorrow. There are two listed, but I know there has to be more...


ACK! I wish I had run into

ACK! I wish I had run into you about 6 months ago! I just was forced to move from Carson City to my Parent's home in the farthest corner of Arizona! And while I searched, I could not find a single, still active, REI Club up there anywhere. I think you may need to start your own club, to be honest. I wish you the VERY Best, and if you want an investor-friendly real estate agent, might I suggest Lynn Schneider from Coldwell Banker Select, he was really a great guy and and helped me submit more than 50 offers before my living money ran out and I had to move.

DO NOT LET ANY OF THAT STOP YOU! OK? I Would LOVE to help you out in any way that I can! Laughing out loud

Thank you

Thank you Ladyfox7oaks. Not good news, but good to know. Sorry to hear you had to move.

Crazy, no clubs-not many- in this area! Don't get it. There are sooo many investors. Seems they are not wanting/willing to help each other...

Have a most fabulous day.

Welcome! :D

Yeah, I hear you there! And I wasn't so crazy about moving myself, frankly...
Heck, I was looking to carpool over to Sacramento to get to one of THOSE REI Clubs if I could. Another place I looked into was a site one of the Coaches pointed me at, which was Connected Investors .com
That one seemed to be really good, and I'm working on getting some networking going over there, maybe I can do something remotely. Laughing out loud
ALWAYS trying to move forward!

Let me know if there's anything I can do to help you!

Have a great one! Laughing out loud

thank you again

You rock. Thank you so very much. I think I may have found a club here in Reno from a friend-have to take it slow to try to get in though...

Great thoughts on your new adventure!


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