INTERN Wanted for Rehab Management

INTERN Wanted for Rehab Management

We are looking for someone to help with rehabs in the St. Louis, MO area.

No pay, but you get to learn from the best of the best.
10-15 hours a week required.
Helping managing rehabs.

--The person must currently live in St Louis.
--A positive attitude
--A good work ethic
--Thinks on their feet
--Punctual-- "if your not early, then you're late"
--Effective time management skills
--Never have to be told twice to do the same thing
--Multitask and prioritize
--Provide fast responses to emails/calls
--Have reliable transportation
--Willingness to learn

If you meet the above requirements stated above to HIGHLY perform in a fast paced environment, please contact us.


You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!

I'm in

Hi Matt,

I'm in!! sign me up!


Nate Armstrong


Glad to see ya back on here.
Not interested in the job but the ad, im going to have to use this as my own I hope you don't mind .

Thanks for the nugget.
