Should I shop an assignment to multiple buyers?

Should I shop an assignment to multiple buyers?

Hello all -- I am new - I plan to find pre-foreclosures, get them under contract, and assign the deals for a fee - I have two questions . . .

1. Is it wise to "shop" the deals among buyers to optimize the fee? Or is it better to develop long-term relationships on a buyer by buyer basis by setting a "pre-agreed upon" fee (based on the equity?) that's reasonable, building a reliable source of buyers?

2. This is a naive question, but I am new to real estate . . . if I use an agent to find deals just to assign them, how does the agent get a commission if I don't close on the peoperty?



Better to shop around

I'm new to real estate also, I think it's better to get an assignment done even if u have to shop it around; not for optimum fee but to get the deal done. People still have preferences when buying a house. An agent does not get a commisson unless u close or complete a deal. If u want to give an agent a commission on a deal that u brokered yourself, thats a wise decision if the agent is a good agent. A good agent will find u deals and they are hard to find until u start making money, then u will be beating them away with a stick.
Hope this helps!

"Ain't no stopping me"

Much Appreciated!

Thanks for the info . . . I think I have a clear picture. It helped a lot!!

Have a great weekend . . .

Anyone in Southern Georgia?

Hi, I live in Jonesboro, Ga, Is there anyone in the area?

You too!

Have a great an safe weekend!!

I'm in Georgia too

I'm in the area as well, Union City to be specific.

In Georgia

I'm located in Locust Grove, GA and I'm looking for potential buyers and sellers in Henry, Clayton, and Dekalb Counties.

Do both If you have a deal,

Do both

If you have a deal, and you have 10 investors, bring it to the attention of all 10.

Understand not all are going to jump right at it at the same time. maybe 2 will and the other 8 will take their time since they may have deals pending that take up their time and they delay in making moves. Why should you have to wait for others to bring you a check when there is someone wants the deal more???

Never wait

By the way I have access to about 20 homes in the ATL metro area that are priced to sell. Get your buyers together.

Anyone in the St. Louis MO area?

Looking for potential buyers and sellers in the greater St. Louis, St. Louis County and Jefferson County areas.

re: pre-foreclosures

hello all..I just recieved deans book about 2 weeks ago and i am very confident about being able to purchase pre forclosures, my question here is that when i go to reassign a contract to another investor what is the best way to close this deal, should i use an attorney? could i just use a notory or can the deal just be done between us by collecting my check and handing over the contract...this seems to be my biggest bump in the road at this point and dont want to appear unknowledgable to others that i will be working with. thank-you


I personally would not use an attorney. I have learned from a very seasoned investor that all attorney's write their contracts the same way and they leave loop holes for each other. If you were to get sued for something, the person sueing you would hire an attorney and he/she is trained to look for those "loop holes" the other attorney did not cover. My seasoned investor/mentor told me the best kind of contract is called a napkin contract. How you keep yourself safe with this is to draw up a contract and have you and the person signing the contract go the bank or post office. Normally there is a notary there. Ask that person to notirize the contract. What he/she will do is ask if you fully understand the outlines of the contract. When you agree he/she will ask the other party if they fully understand the contract. When they agree the notary will ask both of you to sign the contract and he/she will notirize it. This way if the other party tries to sue for any reason, you will be able to have a good stable contract in court and be able to represent yourself. If the judge sees that both of you signed the contract and both understood all of the terms and conditions, the judge will throw it out of court.
Hope this helps you.


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"This time, like all times, is a very good one if we but know what to do with it." Ralph Waldo Emerson


If I were doing an assignment and a realtor is involved hired by the seller,wouldn't the commission be paid by the seller to the realtor? Any help would be appreciated. I am new to this, too. I live in Michigan, a lot of good deals here now.

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