Tampa Bay Partners

Tampa Bay Partners


We are looking for other motivated people to network with in the Tampa Bay area. We are new students and would like to get acquainted with others to help with the learning curb and overwhelming amount of information when just starting out. Let us know who's out there.

Randy & Sherry


tampa bay partners

hello , just wanted to drop you a line to see how thing are progressing in tampa i have just started myself as an rei and would love to talk with you, so send me a pm and lets help our self's out. Dale

Anybody in Orlando?

Hi there DG family,

My Name Is Joshua and I live just south of Orlando Fl. I have read Dean's Your Town Your RE profits and just ordered Gain the Edge 2010. I must say this site is a Wealth of information and great people to say the least. I would love to get to know some local investors here in central fl. I have been working on my buyers list, a bit slow I say... Tried the Bandit signs, flyers and CL cant afford to join the local REIC at this time But I have mostly wholesalers and one or two real cash in hand investors on my list. Haven't found a Realtor yet that gets our ways of thinking. But I'm still pushing forward and will make this work.

Is there anyone out there that's working the Orlando Market. Would love to hear from you. What's working in Florida? Any Ideas? I welcome all information. Financially I'm cash poor at this time, but working on changing this. With a little help from my friends(you guys)... I guess I'm looking for a way that I can help an investor find some great deals through assignments or wholesaling at this time.

Please leave me a comment or PM me if you would like to talk about central florida deals.

Thanks to the whole DG Family,


Networking Orlando


I am also in the Central FL area and looking to network with other DG Members and investors. PM me

Thank you,

Ebanks Property Services LLC


Charles & Jennifer Ebanks
EPS Houses LLC.
Business Line (407)796-1154
Cell Phone (407)417-0962