Assignments in NJ anyone??

Assignments in NJ anyone??

Is anyone doing assignments in NJ? Please come out wherever you are?


Also in New Jersey. Focusing

Also in New Jersey. Focusing on assignments in Ocean and Monmouth counties and would love to network with others near by.


In Christ alone, I place my trust.


Hello Martin, I;am a realestate investor from New Jersey a newbie, have a partner set up a LLC, parner got hurt and things slowed us down. We had a one on one coach for 10 weeks now thats over, need to get first deal under my belt.

It would be great to work with you.

Shawn R

NNJ new investor looking for a mentor

Looking to get started in reale state. I am in Morris county looking for a seasoned investor to show me the ropes? Help me get things going. I am highly motiated and am sick of loosing valuable tme with my family especially my young children.

PM me if you can help.

How can I use assignment clauses in NJ?

Any thoughts on using assignment clauses in NJ? If my seller is not using an attorney there is no problem with using the assignment clause. They are legal but the problem is that attorneys in NJ most always don't allow them in contracts. When I am working with a real estate agent they insist on using the MLS Board contract that does not allow assignment clauses. How can I work with realtors to buy A: private seller homes and B: REO's that I intend to flip to an end buyer? Please help if you can. Thank you.


Jersey Jer at the Jersey shore

Hi Gerard im over in ocean

Hi Gerard im over in ocean county and havent used this strategy myself but what they do is put your end buyer on a contract to buy an reo. Then your end buyer closes on the house pays for the closing and then you use a quit claim deed and sign your interest in the property over to your end buyer for whatever the fee was you agreed on. You can also use transactional funding to cover your expenses for closing and then sell to your cash end buyer . Hope this helps and good luck Gerard.


" you make a living with what you get but you make a life with what you give "

Assignment clauses in NJ- re-posted today 9-14-11

Any thoughts on using assignment clauses in NJ? If my seller is not using an attorney there is no problem with using the assignment clause. They are legal but the problem is that attorneys in NJ most always don't allow them in contracts. When I am working with a real estate agent they insist on using the MLS Board contract that does not allow assignment clauses. How can I work with realtors to buy A: private seller homes and B: REO's that I intend to flip to an end buyer? Please help if you can. Thank you.


Jersey Jer at the Jersey shore



Network in Jersey and PA

Hi everyone,
We are currently working in Warren county in Jersey and Northampton and Lehigh county in PA. We are both from Jersey but live in PA so we decided to take on both states lol. We would love to network together and make more deals happen. Let's chat soon. We are FIRED up with realestate. What a RUSH !!

Assignment of Contract


Just saw your note. I am doing assignment of contract in New Jersey
. What are you looking for?


Hello from Mercer County

I'm looking forward to networking with you all.


Moving forward daily will get you to your goals!
"You become what you study" - RTK Rich Dad Poor Dad


Hi Harry,

I saw you're in Mercer County. What town? I'm in Hamilton. Hope to connect with you!



"He who is mighty has done great things for me...He has...exalted those of humble estate; he has filled the hungry with good things..." Matt. 1:49-53

Still In training

I know what you mean by everyone thinking you're nuts. I'm feeling the negative Let me know where you meet up, if it's not too late. Looking to meet with investors. Good to see someone thinking in similarity.


Eduardo Eusebio, Jr.

Hello Vincent

I'm from Hamilton as well. Maybe we can get together and make things happen here and the in the surronding areas. I'll PM you.


Moving forward daily will get you to your goals!
"You become what you study" - RTK Rich Dad Poor Dad

North New Jersey ....

Anyone? Any do business in North NJ [I.E. - Union, Essex, Bergen, Hudson, Morris Counties]?

Also - does anyone know of a Real Estate Attorney with their own Escrow Company?

Thanks much NJDGFamily Laughing out loud


B Blessed,

i Love this...

i love this.... I (my business partner and i)too will be doing assignments in new jersey, we are looking into the Orange/Jersey city area beginning the 15th of this month, cant wait !


Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

Our Heart's Desire must be nurtured by our mind,to give birth to common sense, that will enable us to seek out the path less traveled, with the greatest Personal Growth. -J.R.-

Offer to Purchase

Hi all.

I want to make my very first offer AKA put in an offer. My question is, can anyone share with me the exact "Offer to Purchase Real Estate" [filled out] they have successfully used here in NJ?

Thanks Much DGFam


B Blessed,



Making "THE OFFER" ...

Can anyone help. I want to make an offer but not show how.
All I can find is a purchase & sales agreement. Is that the same as an offer? Also, the wording implies my Earnest money will be non-refundable but at a DG seminar - they say to only put down $100 & to also put "REFUNDABLE" behind it. And where do the money go? Do I submit it to the agent with the offer or just the offer w/no money until accepted....??????

Can anyone walk me through making an offer on a NJ Listed property PLEASE???


B Blessed,

About FRACKING/ Ohio

Hey Everybody! Has anyone heard about the mining (fracking is a type of mining procedure) going on in Cadiz? I believe that town is near Youngstown- if so, this could be bringing or keeping more people in or to the area. They might want to stay so I just wanted to give you a Heads Up on the situation so you could be ready to offer residential properties in that neck of the woods. Keep readin your Graziosi textbooks and keep Strivin'! SUCCESS is just above our heads. Thank God (in advance).


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