Starting from the bottom

Starting from the bottom

Hello. My name is Jerome and I reside in the Charleston, SC area. I am SO READY to begin my journey into real estate investing, but at the same time I am so nervous. I have been going through some VERY TRYING times with my "past life"... A.K.A. EX-WIFE" and she is continuing to take everything from me, including my beautiful daughter. Over 80% of my income goes to "child support". My credit is beyond shot from this and I have a beautiful lil girl that would LOVE to see her father but due to (let's call it) "TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES", can't see me... I have many sleepless nights, and have developed a health "condition" due to all of my stressing... So it "FEELS" like I have nothing left... I come to the site, a lot, to read how people started from the bottom and with the right support along with the knowledge they have learned, are living stress-free lives! I am confident that I will be successful in investing in real estate but I am in need of some guidance to help release me from the financial woes of these "shackles of life"... I kept telling myself that I was going to start today, but a year and a half later (on yesterday) I was still saying the same thing... Now today is that that day. So with that said, could someone help me please? And I thank evryone who read my QUICK life story ;-D (by the way... I AM SO NERVOUS but SO READY to start...)



I think it is VITALLY IMPORTANT that you read the books....if nothing else, be SURE to read, "Profit From Real Estate RIGHT NOW" to see how you CAN actually be involved in real estate with no money involved.
I know that's hard to believe - but it IS true - you see proof of it all over this site.
I've not gotten involved in my first deal YET - but I am in the process of connecting with some people on some possible deals.
You're read this on here over and over and over again - the best way to LEARN is to DO.
Mistakes? Yeah, you'll make them. But as long as you/we learn from them then it is a POSITIVE experience.
Find the post that is here about the guy that made $2500 in 4 hours of work, for IS possible and it IS possible for you!
Don't try to take any shortcuts by not reading the book(s) --- you will find the possibilities that are there by reading the stories as well as the HOW TO parts of the book.

You are part of a great and sharing "family" here ---- don't be afraid to jump right in there and learn right along side the rest of us.

Welcome aboard!



"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman


Sorry to here of all the speed bumps in your path. You have certainly come to the right place for support and direction. I am sure many will be replying to help. I would suggest bird dogging, assignment of contract and lease option as places to start. These can get you started with less than favorable credit. Go to the upper left search box and enter the title you want to search. Lots of great information on here. Keep the faith and never give up.


Hey Mike. I greatly appreciate your response to my post. It was great to see that you took the time to read my post and then respond to it. I have actully gotten all three of Dean's books. I have read them over and over: "Be a Real Estate Millionaire" (twice), Profit From Real Estate Right Now (three time), and "Your Town Your Real Estate Profits!" (finishing up the second time now). I am pretty sure I know EXACTLY what to do, but I think I am just making my own self neverous from my previous "failures" and current "hiccups", but you are right time to put it to work. Thanks again for your post and good luck to you too!



I greatly appreciate the suggestions, as I think I am more determined now than every before to create better lifestyle for my family and those around me. I am also going to do so in depth research on the your suggestions. Now that I am off of work, I am about to take the "scenic" route home and see what I could find. Thanks "Advocate" for your encouragement!


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