
All About Advocate

Advocate's picture
Dane & Cyndi

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Dane & Cyndi,

Indiana-Joe's picture

Welcome to the DG Website. Congratulations on taking action with real estate. We hope to hear about your progress and future deals. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


Advocate's picture

Thanks for the note Joe. We are on the DG site quite often to listen, learn and share with the family. Not sure if you remember us from the EDGE live event. We were at the same table for lunch on Sunday and we live in Michigan. We will update as we anxiously move forward.

Dane & Cyndi,

Indiana-Joe's picture

How's everything going? We do remember you from the Edge and we hope to see you next year at the EDGE 2010! It was such a great event! Good luck on your future deals. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe & Stacey

Where are you located in MI?

Sir_Erb -The Knight-'s picture

I live in traverse city! I'm in deans success academy, I've been studying the modules in such and have gained a lot of knowledge. Yet, I would still like to team up with others in my area, but don't know of any around here. Hope to hear from you! Smiling