
All About princejohnson357

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Jerome Johnson

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Starting from the bottom princejohnson357414 years 11 weeks ago

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Starting from the bottom

princejohnson357's picture

Hello. My name is Jerome. I am SO READY to begin my journey into real estate investing, but at the same time I am so nervous. I have been going through some VERY TRYING times with my "past life"... A.K.A. EX-WIFE" and she is continuing to take everything from me, including my beautiful daughter. Over 80% of my income goes to "child support". My credit is beyond shot from this and I have a beautiful lil girl that would LOVE to see her father but due to (let's call it) "TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES", can't see me... I have many sleepless nights, and have developed a health "condition" due to all of my stressing... So it "FEELS" like I have nothing left... I come to the site, a lot, to read how people started from the bottom and with the right support along with the knowledge they have learned, are living stress-free lives! I am confident that I will be successful in investing in real estate but I am in need of some guidance to help release me from the financial woes of these "shackles of life"... I kept telling myself that I was going to start today, but a year and a half later (on yesterday) I was still saying the same thing... Now today is that that day. So with that said, could someone help me please? And I thank evryone who read my QUICK life story ;-D (by the way... I AM SO NERVOUS but SO READY to start...)


sistreat's picture

I just wanted to say welcome to the board and I wish you well in your journey for RE riches. It is very possible. Just work hard and read all you can here on the board.