PA Bird Dog

PA Bird Dog

Hi Everyone,

We are looking to assist anyone in the family with locating deals in the Westmoreland County, PA area. We are just starting out. Please help us out. Looking forward to working with you soon. Please send us a PM to discuss your criteria.



PA Bird Dog

Wanted to contact you because I am up in Edinboro and also trying to get started, perhaps we can be of assistance to one another in moving forward with our real estate investing?? Actually, I have an opportunity to purchase 33 units in your area that are section 8 houses for as little as $25,000 down however I am fearful of section 8 housing. Any thoughts?

Dave Johnson

Hear say

I know a couple investors who love their section 8 housing. Im told the money is guaranteed but you do have to keep up on maintenance. The good thing is that supposedly you can also report your tenants to section 8 if they are not taking care of their residence. Make sure you know what you are getting into but this might be an attractive opportunity for you both. I have properties but but am new to DB so this is just to try to help.


Jimi Klopp

"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat." - Theodore Roosevelt

PA bird dog

I am also in PA, but in the NW like Dave from Edinboro. Maybe we could all work together and help each other


Yes, if anyone is in NW PA or close by and would like to partner up, I am all for that. Please PM me so that we can talk.

PA Bird dog

Guess I'll just start by continuing to revisit this post. I have a senerio Im working on right now. 2 year old semi owners ready to walk away, owes $215,000 current value is coming in at $190-200,000 Was 250-260,000. They stopped paying the mortgage last August. Im trying to figure out if there is an opportunity here. I was thinking of moving in with an offer to the bank for a short sale. I am uncertain if a agreement to lease or purchase would be better. If I exercise an option to purchase at $190,000 in 5 years and he will owe $199,000 would this scenario make sense? Not sure I should actually pay this amount Im just trying to work this as a starting point as well as an experience point. I thought of making an offer for short sale at about $120,000 this seems like more fun.


Jimi Klopp

"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat." - Theodore Roosevelt

We are looking for bird dogs

We are looking for bird dogs in the Northeast area, including PA. Please let me know if you are interested or refer to my signature on how to sign up.

Thank you.

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