Of course, it fell. The American people are running out of pep as they have to fight against the results that our elected officials have put in place. Oil, food, exchange rate, access to credit and so much more that are a result of policies that we get judged upon in the world markets. When the dollar goes lower, oil goes up to compensate. Oil prices are higher, so food has to follow because of the energy used to produce it and transport it. Exchange rate goes against us because we are no longer the number one country for growth. Credit access is poor because of bad banking deals that were made behind closed doors.
But the consumer is starting to roll over. Read about it here:
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The biggest drag on the consumer is the high price of gasoline, you notice its not talked about in the news much any more, because were getting seasoned to the high prices, the oil companies will not roll back there high profits, there chocking off the recovery with there greed. Theres is no shortage, haven't seen stories about running out of gas anywhere?
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