Spring is here and their is no better time to get your marketing plan in order and go out every single day and at least talk to to 50 individuals every single day. Marketing is the key!! You must let people know that you are a real estate investor and you can help buyers as well as sellers. I am hoping by posting this that everyone can list one single thing that they are doing every single day to build their buyer and seller list. I am doing Bandit signs, I am calling FSBO by driving around. Every day I keep a log of areas that I drive by and in that log I write the information that I need to get t least one person a day on one of my list. I even started cold calling today because not being active is not being successful. One needs to be HUNGRY!! I hope every one will start writing an idea to help our individuals that are depressed are thinking about giving up. MARKETING is key in any business!!! Let's start helping each other. We already know that Bandit signs work if they are hand written! I wrote about it last week and almost everyone said that. What else can we say to help others that are down and need our advice?
Marketing, Marketing!!
Posted on: Wed, 04/11/2012 - 02:38
A big Amen from me!
There is no better time than right now. Don't wait! Don't get discouraged. If you haven't started yet, DO IT! If you have started and haven't gotten the success you want. Pick yourself up and start again. Success is yours to take, reach out and take it!
Thank you for the great post.
"The harder I work The Luckier I get" As long as your taking action your moving forward. When your busy you have no time to think negative!!! go go go!!!!
Theres perfect weather where i live right now to go out there and put yard signs and flyers around town! success to us all!
yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present."
"Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still"
Can you go to bed knowing that you did as much marketing as possible? Are you moving forward? Is your name out there? Is there more people today than yesterday that know that you are a real estate investor? Marketing and more marketing!!
Bandit signs will get the phone a rocking, as will direct mail, passing out business cards, networking at REI events, going to sheriff sales and pass out cards and network, knock on doors, hang flyers, Marketing is the key to finding deals and buyers and sellers for business, Action take action everyday, your one day closer to the next, deal ,close, going to the bank with the check, and creating a win-win-win for everyone...Just do it..John H.
"Action and Mistakes" always-outweigh "Analysis Paralysis"
...Just do It"
www.WeFlipDesMoines.com http://facebook.com/desmoinesinvestmentproperties
Pass out at least 10 business cards per day
Ask ppl if they rent or own - if they rent , ask if they would like to own = buyer
Attend foreclosure auctions where Real Buyers are and talk with them
REI Clubs - join and attend meetings
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/renvestr/ Free tools