I need a good service to provide a website!

I need a good service to provide a website!

Anyone have any good recommendations for a good provider of a real estate investor website?


Jonny Carlson
"Looking to invest in properties in the Twin Cities"

I know Dean offers a free

I know Dean offers a free one. Have you read his books? I think the link is in there somewhere to set it up. I don't know the link or else I would give it to you!

Do you plan on paying for one to be built from scratch?

Do you want to pay for a decent template?

Or do you want a completely free one? (won't look as good)



Are you new? Check out my NEW and IMPROVED Guide for Beginners! http://deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/everything-else/128413/domini...


I'd be fine paying for a template and squeeze pages.


Jonny Carlson
"Looking to invest in properties in the Twin Cities"

Check out Content Management

Check out Content Management Systems such as Wordpress, Joomla, or other free ones. Then look for templates that you can put on those platforms, should only cost a few hundred at most for the template, plus hosting/domain expenses, but the CMS's are usually free.



Are you new? Check out my NEW and IMPROVED Guide for Beginners! http://deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/everything-else/128413/domini...

Jonny, PM me I do web

Jonny, PM me I do web design.


Together, we can be successful!

dean's free website

Hi Jonny, Below is the link to Dean's free website. I'm a newbee and am currently setting mine up myself. Best of luck to you.



Reality: What happens when you pay attention...


Thanks JB!


Jonny Carlson
"Looking to invest in properties in the Twin Cities"

Real Estate Investor Website Information.

Hey jonnyc24 What's up! I'm new to the site, but that doesn't stop me from providing you with the information you need. Checkout www.RealEstateInvestorWebsites.net You will what you need right here,this is where will be getting my website done. For now use Dean's free website. ETBM 456!!!! Later. P.S Scroll down to where it says one time $295.00 click on then your on your way.. And Here is the phone# 214-227-8718

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