Finders Fee

Finders Fee

I have been trying to come up with a pricing method for reassigning or bird-dogging. I don't know if I would be charging to much or to little for living in California. Can I please get some opinions or other suggestions. Thanks!

Fixed Rate #1
sale price my profit
$0 -$200,000 $5,000.00
$200,001 - $400,000 $10,000.00
$400,001 - $600,000 $15,000.00
and so on

Fixed Rate #2
sale price my profit
$0 - $150,000 $5,000.00
$150,001 - $250,000 $10,000.00
$250,001 - $350,000 $15,000.00
$350,001 - $450,000 $20,000.00
$450,001 - $500,000 $25,000.00
$550,001 - $650,000 $30,000.00
and so on

Percentage Rate on sale price.
2.5? 3? 5? ...I don't know what would be good.

10% of the difference between the sale price and the FMV price, with a minimum of $5,000.


Call investors and ask how

Call investors and ask how much do they pay for finder fee's. Usually any where from $1k, $3k, $5k per deal and up.

Talk to your Investor

Each Investor is different. Each deal is different. Normally Finder's fee are between $1-5k and Assignment deals $5-10k on up. Take care of your investor and be fair. Don't get greedy.

Good Luck Smiling




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