I just posted my first ad in Craigslist looking for buyers so I can put the "Assignment of Contract" concept to work. I'm scared to death I'm gonna get people calling who are gonna question the heck out of me and I'll sound like a complete moron. The adrenaline is racing right now.
BRE #01956371
If they call you, that means you have them on your Buyers List! Just don't forget to get their email and cell number.
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority it is time to pause and reflect."
-Mark Twain
Congrats on the move.
When they call, you ask them about what they are looking for and as many details about the property or properties that they are interested in. Then you tell them that you have new properties coming in every week and as soon as you have something that might fit their needs, you will contact them
Good luck!!!
Congratulations on becoming a new member. Looks like you are off to a great start. Fear is natural. Because your making a positve change in your life. Stay on the track of learning. No answer or question is wrong in this state. We are all new to this method. Just continue forth. Much success............Lubertha
Write up a list of quesions you want to ask buyers and a separate one you want to ask sellers. This will help you keep the conversation going in the direction you want it to go.
Just wanted to congratulate you on taking action . The first steps are always the hardest to take......... I just bought Dean's course in May of this year . I am pretty much in the same boat as you ....... i.e. getting set to place my ad on craigslist... Not really sure how to word the ad... Any ideas anyone ?
I've gotton spam replies on my Craigslist add. I'm going to have to try something different and move onto the flyers and Bandit flyers too. But I wont give up on Craigslist just yet
BRE #01956371
No. Don't give up. I've also gotten those replies.."Do you need help? Do you need money?" Wierd. They all want me to try some internet, money-making thing..You and I are in the same boat. I'm just starting and I was absoluting SICK when I realized I'd have to get a buyers' list together. WHAT????? I couldn't wait to find all those deals - foreclosures, motivated sellers, buried treasure. But what's this thing about a buyer's list??? Yooo-hoooo? I don't know what I was thinkin'.
I have actually had success responding to the "I pay CASH for houses" ads on Craigslist. I tell them I am updating my investors and buyers list ('cause I'm hoping I'll soon have one - Ha!)and I'm interested in what specifics they look for in properties they buy. (sq footage, Bedrooms, Baths, areas, price, etc.) I told them I'd always let them know when I found something I thought they'd love and may I add them to my list? To my surprise and disbelief (SHOCK!!!) I've had 3 people reply and say they look forward to doing business with me. I also responded to an ad I saw in my Real Estate Investor's Club classified section. Another "I pay with Ca$h" ad. Those have worked for me. This is just the first week I've searched for buyers. I have a total of 5 now. I'm not rippin' and roaring yet but it's a decent start. 3 from CL, 1 from the investors club, and 1 from a local paper ad I called- I just call him "Bubba". He didn't act like he wanted to answer any of my questions. He said he just looks for "dumps". I think he's a redneck investor, but I'm keepin' him in the pile. Bubba may be a pretty important future contact for me. Who knows? There's some pretty hard-workin' country boys around Nashville, so I'm keeping Bubba on the list. I've also placed 3 ads tonight directed at Landlords. (Got that off of Dean's conference call tonight) "$Landlortd$ Are you ready for more CA$H? Call me for propterties. I FIND GREAT DEALS" We'll see how those go...
One more thing. Do try to join a Real Estates Investor Club around your area. I can't tell you what a difference it's made in the way I view myself and my new direction. It's inspiring to be around so much wisdom and experience. All colors and shapes and sizes. I attended a class and felt like doin' back flips when I left!!! Anyway, wanted to encourage you to be around other people who are doing what we want to do. I'm starting to feel like an investor now, not an imposter.
All the best, Kara
Congratulations on taking action and wanting to get involved with REI. The ad is a great start. We all learn from each move we make and that makes us better prepared for tomorrow. I read on-line in the past that you need to have a plan, take action, and just do the best you can. Thus, it sounds like things are moving forward for you and good things should follow. Good luck with REI. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
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Joe Jurek CPA
Spams they're all over the place! I have 3 adds on CL And so far I had one good response and the rest are spams. This could only mean one thing. And that is I need to change the wording. Never give up! Great choice on keeping the flow of things. It's just a matter of finding out what works for you or your area! Continued success.........Lubertha
Hey thanks for the responses everyone. I finally did get a call from an RE Broker from San Diego California. She said she is from my area but now living down in SD. Since there are no REI clubs here in my area, she wants to start one. We've been in contact now for the past 3 days and she is giving me loads of information to start with. I'm very excited about this but I do like the suggestions from Deans Conference on the phone last night. I'm going to continue to post more stuff on Craigslist and see what happens.
BRE #01956371
For those of you getting spam... Do you put your actual email address in the ad or do you click the button that says anonymize email when you post the ad?
Spammers have programs that search the internet for any public email address', so it is important to use the anonymize button on CL so you limit the amount of spam you receive.
If someone is motivated enough to contact you, they can and will use the CL email link.
Hope that helps,
ps Congrats on getting started DJMario! I hope you get that club going as they help so much with networking and people usually bring a wealth of knowledge
Hi Vern,
Thanks so much for the tip. This is what I did to encounter this problem? Thanks again for the help. Computers are not my greatest asset. In fact this is the most I have ever used one in my life. Another advantage of the Dean Graziosi Club, Computer training! Continued success always..........Lubertha