A fast way to build you buyers list is to contact people in your area who own multiple properties/landlords.
Not every absentee owner is still buying, perhaps the already have the number of property the desire. However, if you contact them and ask, you might just be able to add a significant new group to your buyers list.
Script example:
Script for Absentee Owners
1. “Hi, is this (their first name), my name is (your full name) and I’m just getting started with real estate investing. County records show that you own multiple properties in the county and I wanted to see if you are still investing? (If yes) Great, I’m glad to hear that. I’m looking for great deals for other buyers here in the area and was wondering what kinds of homes you might be looking for?”
2. Get personal criteria
a. “What kind of deals are you doing right now?” (Buy & sell/buy & hold/lease options, etc.)
b. “How often do you buy?” (Frequency)
c. “How fast can you close on property?” (Cash buyer, has financing lined up, etc.)
3. Get property criteria
a. “What kind of neighborhoods do you buy in?” (Low, middle or high)
b. “What’s your price range?” (100k-125k, 250k-275k, etc.)
c. “How much equity do you need”?
d. “What size of homes do you buy? “(sq ft, # of beds & # of baths)
e. “Do you work with rehabs?” (if so, what type and how much)
4. Close conversation
a. “Thanks so much for your time today. As I’m out looking for property for other buyers, and see some that match your criteria I’ll give you a call back.”
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How do you find absentee owners?
I'm not talking about on a vacant property. You have the address to start with in that case.
How do you find out who the absentee owners are in your area?
What do you ask for from the courthouse or where-ever?
I really don't see the need for that type of answer, a little detail wouldn't hurt.
How do you find out who the absentee owners are in your area?
What do you ask for from the courthouse or where-ever?
I really don't see the need for that type of answer, a little detail wouldn't hurt.
you asked a very straightforward question that really didn't need too much of an explantion with it.
and I did understand what you meant in terms of absentee.
now if you're looking for specifically absentee landlords as we are called, not sure if there is a database that has that unless you ask, but worst case you may have to research each individual house to find out
You can get owner contact info by checking the county tax assessor records where the property's located. Many counties' records are online. If not, call the courthouse or assessor's office. Those records are public information.
Tax bills are sent to the owner of record at their mailing address. That address may not match the prop address. Could be out of town, even out of state. Once you get the owner's mailing address, you can then try to get the owner's phone number fr an online directory like Whitepages.com, where you can search by name or address.
Liz Eastlake
The Eastlake Group, LLC
I Have to have an address first?
I thought there was some way to just get, or the ability to browse all, tax records in your area?
from there you can determine the landlords... but your saying I need a specific address first?
there is no 'abesntee landlord' database
the way Liz mentioned is the normal method that you would have to look for owners info, like I mentioned
not sure if there is a short cut
alright, thanks.
I think I found a way to at least just get a listing of all tax records for an entire street in my county. Once I get that I can open each individually and see if the mailing address is the same as the premises address.
Thanks for clearing it all up for me. Looking for more ways to build my buyers list...