I wanted to post this to get some quick inspiration and a kick in the @$$ to make me sprint, as I am near the finish line of closing my first assignment deal!! Its looking to be a big pay out, hopefully. That is, if I do everything correctly. Soon after that I should be closing on a couple more and picking up a few more under contract!! I will be updating as I go on here hopefully. As I dont want you guys to miss out on the good part. After all, it was you all who taught me a lot of what I know today. So thank you everyone for your contribution to the success of this business. I will do everything I can to return the favor to you and everyone I meet in the future. I will be starting a journal on here soon like a starting gun to the start of a race, that is my REI career, and that has no finish line. Not knowing at all how far this long distance sprint will take soon


Sean Bearden
Shui the Builder

Sean Keep it going


Great job with your success in putting some deals together. The biggest part about RE investing is the action. Getting out of your house and putting the deals together.

You will learn so much more when you are putting the deal together than you ever would trying to read how to do the deal.

I'm glad you are connecting with the DG family, you will always find like minded people here that will support you in your goals.

Great job



I always say Keep Moving Forward! Never Give Up On Your Dreams!

As Matt Larsen says "Feed the Need" - Edge 2013

Follow my daily investing journal and read about the deals I've done and am working on at:

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