Thanks to Dean Graziosi and Matt Larson, We Made our Best Deal in April 2009 for less than $10,000!

Thanks to Dean Graziosi and Matt Larson, We Made our Best Deal in April 2009 for less than $10,000!

I believed there was opportunity in the real estate market, but I was not sure what the best next steps would be. Then late at night I was watching TV and saw Dean’s program. I agreed with everything Dean was saying and the strategy discussed through-out the program. Matt Larson made an impression on me as well and I began to look for a good deal. I was motivated and I agreed with the theory of offering 50% or less for a property because there were so many new properties coming and staying on the market.

I found the REO that changed my life thanks to Dean’s strategies and techniques. I looked at a rough 3 bedroom property that had great potential. It was a 3 bedroom with an eat in kitchen, laundry room , etc. It also featured a very large 2 and ½ car garage. I know that people in the Midwest love garages because of the snow in the winter it is so nice to have your vehicle in a garage.

The property is on a double lot in a mixed residential and commercial area. Thus, there could be potential for future commercial zoning which may increase the value of the property. The property was listed at $69,900 and I decided to offer low at $20,000. The offer was turned down and not countered by the REO Bank Asset Manager. A few weeks passed and the property went “contingent. ” Thus, I lost all hope for this property and felt I would look for another deal.

Then, I could not believe it. The property reappeared on-line (boomerranged)for sale at $49,900. I contacted the listing broker to inquire about the REO property. The listing broker stated the bank was rather upset that it was contingent and believed to be sold when, the buyer decided he no longer wanted the property. I informed the listing broker that I wanted to offer $10,000! Thanks to Dean and Matt, I had the courage to offer low and then I was quiet. The listing broker stated “did you say $10,000?” I stated yes. The broker then stated….uh…uh…ok I will present it!

The listing broker called me and stated they rejected the offer. I kept this property on my radar and then in a few weeks saw it dropped to under $40k. I could not believe it. I contacted the listing broker and stated I wanted to make an offer. He stated last time we were at $10k what was my offer. I stated $10,000 best and final. He stated "I will present it". Two long days went by and I received a voicemail call from the listing broker. It stated....I do not believe it, but they accepted your $10,000 offer!

I could not believe it, so I quickly saved the voicemail message (as proof) and then called my wife. We could not believe we were able to purchase a home with a 2.5 car garage on a double lot for $10,000. Well, it got better. At closing we received credit for unpaid property taxes that I believe are due toward the end of the year. I had provided an earnest money check of $1,000 with the executed contract and then based on the credit we received for taxes, we only had to come to closing with less than $7,000! I could not believe it! There was the answer were we looking for to help us get out of debt and that answer was real estate. We realized that proeprties such as this could help us get out of debt and on a path to financial freedom!

We closed on this deal in April 2009 and I want to sincerely thank Dean and Matt for their inspiration and direction that I received from the tv program and Dean’s Book “Profit From Real Estate Right Now”. The information and techniques made it possible for us to find and close this deal. I would have never attempted this if it was not for Dean and his program. This was my Deal # 1 that has started me “to think a little different” in “today’s down market.”

During the past few weeks I posted information that I was doing cosmetic work on this deal. I got the idea from Dean and I invited some friends to come over on weekends and help with the project. We cut back and trimmed trees, fertilized the lawn, recoated the drive-way, painted and made other minor improvements like new carpeting and handles and hinges for cabinets, etc. I contacted my insurance agent when we purchased the property and he stated the size and construction of the property for that area should be insured for around $100,000. My insurance agent is not an appraiser, but I was extremely excited by his estimate of value. I was shaking with nerves of excitement. My first thought was I want to find another property. This was fun and rewarding. As Dean often says, anyone can do this and this proves he is absolutely correct! We probably were just a little lucky to be in the right place at the right time. However, this is the deal that propelled us to start looking at more properties. My wife and I then committed to go to Dean’s live event the Gain the E.D.G.E. event. As we stated before, the event exceeded all our expectations and changed our lives forever!

Thanks to Dean, his wonderful staff members and students! I hope this recap summary of our Deal #1 will inspire you to take action because you can do this too! I considered this home an unpolished gem that we were lucky enough to find. This "gem of a deal" inspired us to look for more gems in our area and that lead us to our Deal #2 and Deal #3. All in a matter of a few months.

The take away here is to Believe and Achieve! Just use all the information in Dean’s books and you will be armed with the knowledge that will propel you to new heights. Dean has not only changed my life but my entire family's life. Good luck on all your deals! Believe and Achieve! Smiling Indiana-Joe


YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures

TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA


I really love to hear these kinds of stories. I am just getting started and it is amazing that you can get the house so cheap. GREAT, I WILL KEEP TALKING TO U!!!


That is amazing!! Way to watch the properties and stay on top of the REOs! You give me new inspiration to not get overwhelmed and keep on watching those properties like a hawk. I know that's what it takes. Thanks for the reminder! And congratulations! Like DGadmin said, it's pretty cool when you can buy a home for less than you can buy a used car!! Eye-wink

If you don't mind me asking, how long was it from the first offer you made until your accepted offer? You know, even though the banks play hardball (or think they are), I think at a certain point the "human" behind the desk just gets frustrated and makes the call to give in. That's when it pays for US to be in the right place at the right time! There have been so many "pending sales" that I've moved on from, only to find that the prop was sold later at a LOWER price than I offered because the "pending" sale didn't go through. I could just kick myself at those times for not keeping my eye on them.
Joe, do you and your wife have a system for watching these REOs or do you have your agent do that? It is so awesome to hear not just ONE story from you, but FOUR deals now! That's not just a fluke. You are making Dean's system work for you! LOVE IT!!

Again congratulations and THANK YOU for sharing your insight and your story! Smiling



"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link:


Thank you for your comments and I am so happy we can help in anyway. I know you will be finding deals very soon. We all look forward to hearing about your progress. Good things will happen and you will create and find opportunity. Good luck on all your deals! Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures

TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA


Thanks for the comments and input. It is true, you can find opportunities in your area or near your area. Find the place that your plan may work best and work the plan. We have several more offers in the pipeline, several properties on the radar and we are continuing to look for other opportunities. Try not to be upset if you miss one property deal, because as you are upset you may be msiing 3 other deals down the street! You plan of action can become a routine and a system in your daily life and when it does good things should contunue to happen. Good luck on all your deals! Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures

TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA


Thanks for the positive comments, we really appreciate them. We owe all our success to Dean and the information he shares with all of us. I also want to thank Anita and you for making us seem so welcomed to join the DG website. It has really made a difference in our life. I also think back to the live Gain the EDGE event 2009 in April and my wife, Stacey, was really inspired by your story, motivation and drive. Later in the day we committed to make a difference when we returned from the Gain the EDGE event to our room and we made a plan of action on the airplane during the flight home. We really have to thank Dean and all the attendees, guest speakers, such as yourself, for making a difference in our lives. Smiling The Gain the EDGE event happened at the right time and drove us toward an action plan for success.

On this deal it took about 5 to 6 weeks from the time we made our first offer to the time our offer was accepted. I made the offer, it was rejected within 48 hours. A few weeks later, I noticed the property went "contingent" and I felt I set the bar for the Asset Manager and now someone probably got a good deal. It appeared back on-line within 1-2 weeks after that. I made the first $10k offer and it was rejected. I waited about 1-2 weeks and submitted the $10k again and it was accepted in 24 hours. Smiling

The strange thing I have found is a Bank Asset Manager's motivation can change day to day. Thus, we always want to keep the properties on our radar and know if the price is dropping or they sold, etc. My wife and I track the properties ourselves. We are usually on-line each day looking at our local area of interest. That way we can see what new is coming on the market and what has sold in about what period of time. It gives us a sense or a pulse of each market.

Also, anytime I see a property go contingent and then "boomerrang" back on the market, I feel there is an opportunity there. Also, with the REOs the Banks usually will make price adjustments every 30-45 days, so if you time your offer right before the next price adjustment, you may have found a great deal!

We are so thrilled that Dean's techniques and information are working so great for us. We currently have several offers pending and a few other tax certificates may may turn into tax deeds very shortly. We can not believe how Dean's books and system has changed our life. I know everyone else can do the same thing and we look forward to reading all the other DG Members success stories. Good luck on all your deals! Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures

TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA

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