Determine repair cost with out of state property

Determine repair cost with out of state property

What is the best way to determine repair cost with out of state property.



In order to Succeed your desire for Success should be greater than your Fear of Failure. Bill Cosby.
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Establish a team of TRUSTED players on the ground where you are planning on buying. Everything else is a gamble. NEVER rely on any seller for ANY vital information. They obviously have a vested interest in the deal! REIs go broke or get no offers accepted when they don't follow this rule--Boots on the ground.
Guessing on Sq. Ft. rehab costs is OK to get an offer accepted but before you close or try to sell the deal to one of your buyers you better have accurate numbers. Guessing is no way to establish any consistent money making business.

Hope this helps!

Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC


Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins Seller site Buyer site Bird Dog Site Tenant/Buyer site


Thanks. I made my first call to a property owner. I was scared and nervous.
Come to find he is out getting properties as well. So I made a connection with him and he's going to bring deals to me in the Denver area. While I scout online.

Now that I made that call I feel more confident to make the calls.


My first deal is coming!


In order to Succeed your desire for Success should be greater than your Fear of Failure. Bill Cosby.
Some people dream of Success.... While others wake up and work hard at it
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