

I can find the web site coaphonesolutions.com but can not get anywhere with it keep putting ever were but there. does someone have the phone # I will call them myself. and also where is the list for the people to say that they sebt you so they get it free? any help would be helpful... just started...Trying to find my way around...



The phone number is 800 454-5930.
It's 29.95 a month and there's a $15.00 set up fee.
I don't know about any free service.

You can try finding a local service in your phone book. I set mine up and I didn't use an 800#. I'm using a local voice mail number to start. It's only $7.95 a month.
(415) 568-2662


I have not been able to find this website. Did a cut and paste from Michael's post, but continue to get error messages. Has anyone else had a problem with it? Or can anyone recommend a good alternative?

Thanks For your help. Will

Thanks For your help. Will try that. Need the #800 because I am on the road all the time and do not get service on my phone in areas of the country, this will help me when I get service I can collect all my calls and responed.. as I said ALL my calls...( there will be many of them!! (Hopfuly thinking)...Working on a Dream Tweeey


Is another toll-free number place. I just set up my number with them. They good and cheap..9.95/mo for the cheapest package and you get 4 ext.


Phone Service

Dear Raemarie,

I am interested in contacting the toll-free number company for $9.95 per month. Can you tell me their name and/or give me their contact information?

Thank you,

1-800 Service? ? ?

Having difficulty finding the COA Phone Solution System... in order to sign up for the service. I called their # and they said to come back here to sign up. Can't find website...One Foot nailed to the floor...going in circles...Puzzuled!?!?


Well I had the same problem but I found it made be under another name and I just went through my notes and found the information I found here on the web weeks ago but couldn't find it again because I'm new to a computer. So try this and I know it exist but I haven't used it yet www.itelecenter.com I hope this is what you're looking for.