Move Fast on Bad Tenants

Move Fast on Bad Tenants

Through the years I have been a landlord, I have had the opportunity to talk to other landlords. I have come to understand that a couple of things good landlords do is maintain their property and move quickly when they have a bad renter. Often times those that are rough on a property also do not pay on time on a regular basis. This does not apply to good people who are struggling and that you can work with.

Often times a new landlord gets nervous and will not complete the eviction process. I have even heard of people paying a tenant, who has damaged a property or who has not paid, to leave.

Use the courts. I agree some states have laws that are harder on a landlord than others, but get legal evictions. Do not be extorted. Turn judgements over to a collection agency. If your application has the tenant's Social Security Number a good agency will find the deadbeat. You will feel better about yourself and not feel like you were jerked around.


Roy Voeks
Official RE Coach

good info

i'm in the middle of an eviction now and I can tell you that letting people go only results in them taking your kindness for weakness. If you have a hard time dealing with tenants get a management company and let them babysit adults.


whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob

Bad Tenants

There is also a website that is for landlords to list their bad tenants so others can see what problems they had with them. This is one website i found with a 'bad tenant' search and i do not know much about this site but this might be a way to help keep bad tenants out or at least help some.

Hope this helps some


I was working for them now i work for me !

If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.” - Bruce Lee

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