Hello Everyone,

I figure from time to time we all need some motivation to keep us going. This business can be very stressful at times, so when you need time away, I though this would be a great read for you. These are not my word but I liked them enough to share with you..

"Words of a Champion........

True growth in life happens when we are willing to risk and stretch our abilities; when we are willing to put it on the line for change. It is easy to get comfortable being around the same crowd, doing the same thing we have always done. We can often get attached to a system of activities that will only lead us to the same result we have always gotten.

We have to be willing to risk where we are today to get to where we truly want to be. By venturing out, we develop skills of strength that will build us up and make us stronger. Napoleon Hill said, "The strongest oak tree of the forest is not the one that is protected from the storm and hidden from the sun. It's the one that stands in the open where it is compelled to struggle for its existence against the winds and rain and scorching sun."

The challenges you are facing right now will make you stronger. Move forward and take them head on. Step up to the challenges. Step up to the opportunities that lie just beyond the challenges. You may be in darkness, but the light is right around the bend. When you overcome the obstacles facing you…you will then be able to drink in the sunlight of accomplishment to recharge your battery.

You are truly like that oak tree. The only difference is that you can replant yourself regularly out in the open. If that tree takes root in the forest, it will live its whole existence there. You can continue to move out into the open. If the forest grows out to you and tries to bring you in, you can move again. You have a tremendous advantage; are you using it? Resolve to move out into the open today!

To Your Success,"

Don't be scared to get out of your comfort zone, that is truly where you will grow......




Thanks for your post, much needed motivation.



Your attitude determines your altitude!


that is some great motivation to keep moving us towards what we are fighting for,independence from the jobs that dont pay us what we are worth,or jobs we realy dont want to be at.keep the faith that this will work for everyone of us that visit this site for knolege & wisdom to fight another day.
thanks for everything!


Needed that

Thanks for that piece of inspiration. Every little bit helps.

Awesome Shah! Thanks for the

Awesome Shah! Thanks for the comments.



"Faith is the eternal elixir which gives life, power, and action to the impulse of thought.

"Faith is the starting point of all accumulation of riches!"

- Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich